Ruger doesn't release it's production schedule, nor it's numbers.
Due to the covid crap,, many of their lower selling lines were down & guns were not produced. At one point, I think as many as 65% of the employees were "out" due to covid. And building guns isn't an easy skill to get new people to do with production numbers that need to be met.
It's been a slow process to get their manufacturing lines up & going again. And yes,, as noted,, the desires for the less expensive & easier to make models that SELL quicker get the attention first.
Add in the lack of raw materials,, supply chain issues,, and it's an uphill climb to produce a model that SELLS quickly.
Thrown in the FACT that even if they make 1000 .45 Colt Vaquero's,, with a 5-1/2" barrel,, buyers will say; "I wanted a Blackhawk," or "I wanted a Bisley," or "I want one with a 7-1/2" barrel," or "I wanted it in blue,, not stainless" etc.
Ruger has to look at what SELLS fast enough to make building them profitable.
But,, have patience,, as they are getting more & more of their products back into production.