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      dddddmorgan replied to the thread Picked up a P90.
      Well of course it sat there for weeks until I noticed it and now if just sold the day before I could get back to town to pick it up. Of...
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      dddddmorgan replied to the thread Picked up a P90.
      91 is rare? Why so? I think when I get back in town I'll pick it up, still listed. Why are they rare? I've shot a "P" series, friends...
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      dddddmorgan replied to the thread Hercules reloaders guide.
      I'd love to have that information. I really enjoy finding the older loading data.
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      I'm quite the scrounger any more. I grew up with Shapel's Gun Shop here in Boise. I would make a pilgrimage from Caldwell to get...
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      dddddmorgan replied to the thread Picked up a P90.
      I have found one located locally (Idaho) advertised for 350.00. It's a 91DC in 40 S&W. I am currently without a 40 and have never...
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