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    • contender
      Ouch,,, !!!!!! That's gonna hurt!
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Gun show craziness.
      "plastic/ polymer guns are lighter and do everything the old guns do often better, lighter, just as reliable, and more desirable for...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Good Sunday!.
      "Church singing's, watermelon suppers and camp meetings are as Southern as magnolias, ham, and black-eyed peas." Amen!!!!!!!!
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Gun show craziness.
      "Since promoters have thinned out interesting content to make going a waste of time for me, I think it would behoove them to read the...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread STEM is Now STEAM.
      Drafting, Design & Technology have never been considered "art" electives in my years around this planet. I took (3) years of...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread GP100 Did Me Proud.
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Paying cash these days......
      Bob,, I'm right there with you on using cash as much as I can. I use my CC for specific things,, but I use cash for most of my daily &...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread RIP Darth Vader.
      I too have enjoyed his work,, and how his voice was very recognizable. He'll be missed,, but his work will last a long time! RIP sir!
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Gun show craziness.
      While I too have seen several gun shows take a downward turn for the quality, the offerings, & pricing,, I have also been quite capable...
    • contender
      I've had a few instances where out of the ordinary,, I've run into folks I know or used to be around. As we say; "The world is a lot...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Well, bye..
      Well,,, "Bye!" Be sure to share once you return!
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread 911.
      I have no problem with a 911 dispatch operator putting a person on hold to get additional info AFTER they find out what the call was...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread STEM is Now STEAM.
      While Arts is an important part of life,, it should be viewed as an elective,, not a required subject in schools. This way,, any student...
    • contender
      contender replied to the thread Proof Marks.
      Sometimes a gun marked with foreign proof marks can be a desirable feature. But it usually helps if the gun in question is a different...
    • contender
      I have seen guns in .38/.357 that could be used with both types of ammo & not have any issues. And I've seen some that after just a few...
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