Ruger Vaquero value

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Mar 14, 2024
I local store has a pair of Vaqueros for sale in 32-20 with an extra 32 H&R cylinder. Barrel is 5.5". Sell price $1800 each. Is this currently a fair price?
A quick check on Gunbroker shows Vaqueros at around $800.
I know the extra cylinder is hard to find at any price.
What do the Ruger folks here think about this deal?

Bruce 51

Hard pass.
No interest here but others will disagree.
Blued or stainless?
Shooter grade?
Are these New Vaquero or the original Vaquero?

EDIT: If you use "Search" and put in Vaquero 32 you'll see some other older threads on the subject.
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Since I'm a shooter accumulator I have little need for collectables.
Here is more information regarding the two Vaqueros
Consecutive serial numbers. Limited production run offered exclusively through Davidsons.
They are not listed as NIB. The box is available.
If NIB as a collectable the price still seems too high. If used fired then priced like gold.
Bruce 51
Asking price seems way way high to me too BUT I'll admit ….
Old Models interest me more.
Double actions are my first love.
That caliber does nothing for me.
$1800 for the pair would be fair.

Each,,,, while that particular model was a limited issue, Seems like when I have seen LNIB examples sell for ~$1,200.
They only made a few hundred each in 2 barrel lengths. 32-20 is popular and rare in Rugers. They usually sell for $1200-1500 each. So I'd say they are priced to negotiate.
The gun shops here don't negotiate much.
I believe that they have been in the shop for a few weeks.
I'll keep looking and watch to see if they sell or get a price reduction.
I don't really need them and I prefer adjustable sight models.

Bruce 51
Well if you don't need them and prefer adjustable sites ……. Put that money on a nice OLD Model ….. maybe a 4 5/8 41 Mag!
1) Do you like them and want them?
2) Can you afford them?
3) Can you afford not to buy them?
4) Ask for a small discount. You never know and it never hurts to ask!
5) Buy them! (Before someone else does)
6) Good Luck!
Let us know!
1) Do you like them and want them?
2) Can you afford them?
3) Can you afford not to buy them?
4) Ask for a small discount. You never know and it never hurts to ask!
5) Buy them! (Before someone else does)
6) Good Luck!
Let us know!
Maybe but not for $1800
Has to be more than small
If they want them! Sold!
No luck required :)
The extra cylinder is the main draw for buying.
They have a SS 32 H&R but since I already have a Single Seven I'll pass on that one.
I have no interest in a 41 BH as the .357 is a do all cartridge. The .32 is just for fun.
Actually want a .32 target pistol S&W 16 or something similar but those are hard to find and big bucks.
Bruce 51
Pretty sure there were less than 300 .32-20/.32 H&R mag convertibles made in each barrel length. A used one sold on GB about two weeks ago for $2000, shipped. There are Cowboy Action shooters who would snap those up in a heartbeat @ $3600 for the pair.
Yessir, 273 made with 4-5/8" barrel and 283 made with 5.5". I have one of each in my collection and have had/sold a few others.

Sold a 5.5" in 2019 here for $1200 shipped
Sold a 4-5/8" in 2021 here for $1250 shipped
Sold another 4-5/8" in 2022 on GB for $1708+tax

So yeah, $1800 seems more reasonable now that I looked that up.

And I initially missed the "consecutive serial numbers" statement about these. With the older guns, like 3 screw flatgates or flattops, the rule of thumb is that a consecutive pair adds about the same amount as having a 3rd gun (so a 50% premium for a pair). Newer guns don't usually carry such a high pair premium but for very rare models like these, I would think maybe a 15-25% premium would be in order. Of course, if you pay a premium for a pair, you pretty much resign yourself to either keeping both of them, or selling them both together if you get tired of them.

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