Ruger Revolvers:

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Dec 3, 2021
Wyoming, Montana
Is there a schedule as to when Ruger will produce certain revolver models. Looks like the supply of in 4X is thinning. Will they ever produce an LCR or something similar in 44 SPL?
yessir, years ago, the large gun shows , now called the "Shot SHow" and we used to go to McCormick place in Chicago (NSGA show) all the companies looked forward to the dealers ,vendors getting together getting orders for this, and their sales guys going nuts, and that so they could plan their upcoming production schedules....those were the days.....(y)(y);)
Unfortunately I do not think manufacturers do market analysis any more. There was a time when every company that had their hat in a product ring had sneaky people visiting local watering holes of other manufacturers to get an idea what they might be developing and they'd also actively solicit alpha and beta users (pre-production and soon to be announced stuff ) to critique floating balloon products. It also wasn't uncommon for internal "MARKETING" folks (not order takers) to visit stores (where end users might go) and solicit product ideas as well as publish marketing surveys.

Alas, those days are gone forever. Now the folks furthest from the end user make decisions on what to buy.

My son's car has over one hundred (That's over ONE HUNDRED, I counted them) little buttons and touch thingies in the driver's compartment that I'm sure no market analyst would have dreamed up.

Jeez, I'm starting to feel (and act) like a Luddite :)
Eons ago my company did surveys of all the employees. Then they published 2 lists: the best and worst department in the company.

The Marketing Dept. made the #1 spot in both lists.

Nobody can ever agree on anything.
I spoke with a Ruger rep at the DSC show in January asking about SA and DA revolver production plans. His reply was that they will be making a significant announcement at the NRA show. Relocations? We shall see.
For a double action .44 Spl, Ruger has the GP-100. Making an LCR in .44 Spl would be a big engineering job, and the demand may not exist for it.

Your best bet for a smaller double action that you could buy now would be a Charter Arms.
It looks like they recently did a run of Single-Tens. There are quite a few showing up on GB, and some sellers have more than one.
WAYNO, If you really want one (you might have to pay a premium to find one.)
You could put up wanted ads. Look on Gun Bro... and others..
Good Luck!
I'll put the word out at local places I visit for a WC in 10mm.
Ya never know ….
Give me two new Super Blackhawk Hunter models in 10mm and 45Colt. Sold my 45Colt model and want it back. I visited the Ruger booth at the PA Great Outdoor Show in Harrisburg. I have to admit, the Ruger booth was understaffed. I didn't have the opportunity to talk to any Ruger Reps. Conversely, both Colt and Taurus were busy but had enough people to be responsive to questions. Heck, Colt was slammed but still had the opportunity to speak with two Reps individually at great length about current offering and potential future models.
"I have to admit, the Ruger booth was understaffed."

I have attended the SHOT Show for a few decades,, and I can say that I've never felt they were understaffed. Busy as heck,, but with their popularity,, those guys (and girls) work their butts off. I know several of the reps,, and I've had to wait a bit to be able to speak with them occasionally. And I've had the Ruger booth so crowded that you couldn't hardly move. Plus,, when it's lunchtime or whatever,, they do have to alternate the booth sections.

But the reps at Ruger don't know the production schedules,, or if they do, aren't allowed to disclose it. Why? Well, if they were to say that Model A was going to be produced by XYZ,, and something changed,, due to unforeseen issues,, then it would appear they were lying.

I've been to enough SHOT show's to know when many of the booth workers in many companies were either (a) ignorant of many questions, or (b) would outright lie about something. They are there to sell, and make their products look the best. The nuts & bolts operations & REAL work can be very different.
It looks like they recently did a run of Single-Tens. There are quite a few showing up on GB, and some sellers have more than one.
I think you are right as I hardly see them in the shops I go to, & I saw one last week and another one today in another nearby city.....👍👍
Since availability is being discussed, is there any way to put a stock notification in with Lipseys? I use the in stock notification feature on Davidsons website frequently, but Lipseys lists, but doesn't show stock on different models I'd like to get.

Gallery of guns has made Davidsons a lot of my money over the years, I'm surprised Lipseys doesn't have a similar site.
I'm not sure I get the meaning of your post.

My understanding is that Lipseys is a distributor, and has a search/want function for FFLs. I doubt they want individuals calling them, asking abut availability of individual models.

Or am I mistaken?