Is there a schedule as to when Ruger will produce certain revolver models. Looks like the supply of in 4X is thinning. Will they ever produce an LCR or something similar in 44 SPL?
Believe me. I have.WAYNO, If you really want one (you might have to pay a premium to find one.)
You could put up wanted ads. Look on Gun Bro... and others..
Good Luck!
I think you are right as I hardly see them in the shops I go to, & I saw one last week and another one today in another nearby city.....It looks like they recently did a run of Single-Tens. There are quite a few showing up on GB, and some sellers have more than one.
You asked if Lipsey's does something ….. I googled their contact info for you……is there any way to put a stock notification in with Lipseys?