I'm one of the folks who want the original boxes for my guns. I'm nostalgic for the 2 piece cardboard ones,, but I understand the economics of it. Plus, I bet a lot less guns get damaged in shipping in the hard plastic shell cases.
A BIG +1 on NOT storing a firearm in any kind of foam. I too have seen way too many guns ruined because of that. Since my space in my safe is somewhat limited due to the volume, I remove a lot of my guns from their boxes, and store them in soft cloth, gun oil socks. Some of the more valuable ones are kept with their 2 piece boxes, but the paperwork inside is in a plastic bag, while the gun resides in a soft cloth in the box.
So, if any of y'all have any of those old plastic boxes you don't want,, I'll pay the shipping as I need several for guns I got w/o their boxes.