Narrow minded gun owners

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Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I visit a local gun forum some. It's obvious that most folks there are of the "semi-auto, plastic-fantastic" crowd. Recently a new member there posted an honest question about revolvers. Apparently, his CCW instructor was VERY adamant & negative against any revolvers. He wanted a bit more of an education on revolvers, and even mentioned enjoying the "cool western factor."

Well, right off the bat, many offered their own reasonings as to why semi's were better than revolvers. Yet, some allowed how a DA revolver had some redeeming qualities. Only a very few offered much in the way of actual HELP in answering the OP's thoughts.

I politely posted that his instructor did him a dis-service, and was not a good instructor because he was not open minded, allowing how no two people are alike, or have the identical needs or wants. And to totally disregard a whole class of firearm based upon a personal prejudice was just wrong. I also added several reasons a revolver can be a good firearm, depending upon the use, or needs of the owner. I did NOT post negative stuff about semi's. I did do a comparison of features & why a revolver MIGHT be a good choice. I also allowed how revolvers are used for all sorts of uses over semi's in other areas besides CCW. I was trying to be polite, and informative.

The OP also wished he could find a gun class where he could attend & try out all sorts of firearms of different calibers etc. Since he hadn't posted his location, I allowed he was welcome to visit me if he was close enough to WNC & I'd try my best to offer him many choices.

With all this info above,, to allow y'all here the opportunity to see what was going on, I was surprised at the number of narrow minded gun owners who got really harsh against revolvers for anything. One guy was VERY adamant that "NO revolver has ANY advantages over a semi-auto."
After some of that stuff, and my post a few others chimed in with positive stuff about revolvers & their pros in many ways. But a few guys, were totally dismissive & narrow focused on their own ideas that it is sad to this instructor. To see a gun person, who should be helping a new gun person get good solid information, be so negative & narrow minded. I really wanted to say that kind of thinking reminded me of the media, or politicians, or others who think; "My way is the only way!"

So sad.

While I have a PERSONAL love of Ruger firearms,, and use a lot of them in my classes, I also have other brands I share. I also teach my students to find what works for THEM, and THEIR needs or desires. The only thing I stress is that a person who is looking for a self defense firearm, choose a quality firearm that they can bet their life on. Cheap guns can be extremely expensive if really needed.

But to be so negative & narrow minded, especially to a new gun owner,, is just plain wrong.

On a positive note,, there have been enough open minded gun owners who have defended revolvers & such with good info that the truly negative & narrow minded ones have settled down somewhat. And, I have discovered the OP of all that,, lives 6 hours away. But he has an open invitation to visit me here, AND sample different types of guns.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
I have been branded with many names for my choice of the Ruger Blackhawk as my personal proection. I'm not an instructor butI have determined if I were I'd be more tolerant of folks' personal choice of carry. I've nothing against any reasonable gun/carry option so long as the carrier is proficient with his mode of carry and firearm choice.

But there is that class of instructor/expert who believes the only combination for carry is to be prepared to stalk the streets like WW II GIs sweeping a European town held by the enemy. And to be prepared for a long siege with unnumbered assailants.

Bob Wright


Apr 3, 2012
It's in some people's nature to loudly claim they are right. It makes me wonder who they are trying to convince? Themselves?

Why can't people understand 2 different answers can both be correct.

I have a friend who is a relative new comer to shooting. I try to help him along without forcing my preferences on him.

He got snippy with me once and I told him when we were in elementary school while he was reading comic books, I was reading gun magazines! Lol.
Dec 17, 2015
Reading, Pa
I've carried a revolver every day for about 35 years now, like Contender said it's personal to everyone. For the reasons I carry a 5 shot revolver is perfect, my wife will only carry a revolver simply because she doesn't want to deal with the extra scenarios involved with carrying a semiautomatic. I will say that my wife always finds it interesting that she gets questioned about carrying a .22 by men that think she should carry a larger caliber with far more capacity…even though she ALWAYS carries and they almost never do.


Apr 10, 2023
The kind of thinking you're describing is indicative of the inability to perceive nuance in general. I suspect you'd see the same approach to non-firearm related topics too. I also doubt that any of these anti-revolver types would be willing to assault a revolver-carrying citizen to "prove" their opinions.


Apr 9, 2014
I started my career carrying a revolver, a Ruger, we transitioned to the Glock 21 probably in the first 5 years I was there. While now I do carry a simi auto most days I can say with no uncertainty that I never felt any "less armed" because I was carrying a revolver. It is my observation that most of the time someone expresses a negative attitude toward a particular proven product simply doesn't know how to use said product. Anybody that thinks a man armed with a good revolver and a few speed loaders carried correctly isn't capable of getting the job done is incorrect.


Mar 27, 2022
Your observations are true about every internet forum I can think of -- at the very minimum, 50% of all information posted is utter claptrap, typically old myths about (name your subject) that have been repeated for so long and so often that they have hardened in to concrete, accepted and passed along ad infinitum as solid gold BS. And since it's all anonymous, might as well be as stupid or snarky as you wish without risking the punch in the nose you'd undoubtedly get sooner or later if you spouted such garbage face-to-face and in public.

But it's not all bad. The is some good advice and solid knowledge, coming from some good people, but you need to become adept at sifting the good from the junk. And when you post something as fact, make sure it IS fact -- then walk away, because someone is sure to call you out as an idiot. Cast ye not pearls before swine...


Dec 4, 2021
Versatility is the key! I carry Glocks for defense, except in bear country where I favor an OM Blackhawk in 45 Colt (hot loads with heavy hard cast) or, previously, my Reeder SBH in 454. No one tool does it all-don't hammer with a gun butt or pry with a screwdriver (I KNOW, we all do but...) I don't hunt elk with an AR, either.


Feb 22, 2007
So. Florida
Great story Contender. I have shot thousands and thousands of rounds through my revolvers but I have never owned or even wanted to shoot a semi-auto handgun. I just don't like them but I also don't disparage them or the people that shoot them. To each his own. ...oh wait I HAVE CALLED THEM BOTTOM FEEDERS A COUPLE OF TIMES. :) :)

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
My normal carry is a Colt Combat Commander with 8 round Wilson magazine, two Wilson 10 round magazines for refills if necessary. An S&W M60 in my right hand pocket and two speed loaders in the left pocket for back up. That's for urban carry.

When out and about in my desert rat mode I could be carrying anything from a Ruger Single Six to a Colt peacemaker and only God knows what might be in between.

I've even been know to (GASP!) carry a 9MM on occasion although those times are quite rare.

My question for those semi-auto only snobs is this;"When the stuff hits the fan, which would you rather have, a reliable wheel gun or a handful of rocks?"
Paul B.
Nov 14, 2015
I have been shooting a friend's Glock in .40 SW. It's accurate enough. My knees hurt and I can't bend over to chase the empty brass. Now, I would like to own the 10mm/.40 SW in the BlackHawk convertible.
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May 21, 2017
Everyone and I mean, everyone, i have ever taught to shoot was more accurate with a revolver. Plus, a revolver can be shot from INSIDE a jacket pocket....try that with a semi auto. I have carried a semi auto of one sort or another professionally for 20+ years however I CHOOSE to carry a revolver on my own time


Mar 19, 2011
Revolvers are good. Semis are good. How much time do you want to spend practicing?

In the old days, some semis were not 100% reliable. Not so true today.

Give a little girl a double action revolver and she might make out ok.

Give the same gurl a semi and under pressure there's a good chance she will limp wrist it and not do well with her perpetrator.

Bottom line - insufficient practice and you're screwed.