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    • J
      I can tolerate Florida from November through March. We were down in Tampa in April and while I usually do my walking in the morning I...
    • J
      Our granddaughter is a student at UTamp. She went to Orlando to ride out Helene and her area did not suffer any destruction. This time...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Hearing aids....
      Really depend on your hearing loss. If you have severe hearing loss like I have behind the ear is the best option. Can get more...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Taurus Revolvers.
      I've had a Model 65 for I don't know how many years. Been back to Taurus once for service when they had a lifetime warranty (I...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread LC Carbine in 10mm.
      As much as I love the 10mm and pair my carbines with handguns I can't see it in a carbine.
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Mint H&R 9 Shot .22.
      My 1st wheel gun was a 22LR H&R 929 that I bought in 1975. Still shoot it once in awhile. Never has given me any problems.
    • J
      DR. should never be able to practice medicine again.
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Your Oldest and Newest Ruger.
      Oldest a 10/22T purchased in 1996. Newest American Ranch in 6.5 Grendel purchased in 2023. 15 others purchased between those. All...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Home Defense: Shot Gun vs Lever Gun.
      My wife started out as 4'8" and has since compressed. Anything more than my 28 Guage is too much for her. That and a 410 youth size that...
    • J
      Bridge debris completely removed and channel cleared. Marine traffic back to normal. Will be years before it is replaced.
    • J
      My favorite revolver round. I have three S&W N frames along with a Blackhawk and Redhawk. All extremely accurate. Recoil between a .357...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Snubby 45 ACP.
      And there I thought it would be as simple as swapping in a cylinder and boring out the barrel. Shows how little I know. LOL.
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Snubby 45 ACP.
      I can't see why Ruger couldn't use the SP101 as the base for a 45ACP snubby. I have one in 32 H&R and am sorry I never also picked up...
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