lc9s accuracy

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I have the LC9s Pro and it's not the best with what I hoped would be a good handload for it. I do believe it was a lot my fault, I was somewhat fatigued when I started shooting it, and most shots were low left, but not off the target. The Bullseye load was accurate enough @ 10 yards that I could keep most of the rounds inside a playing card. Never have tried a factory load in it yet.
My LC9s has a Crimson Trace laser sight mounted on it that is grip activated. I've had no trouble keeping all my rounds in a 2-3'' circle at 25 feet.
fast ed said:
Does anybody thing the lc9s is accurate enough to shoot at 10-12 yards?

Yes! Even good out to 15-20 yards.

What are you trying to hit at that distance? We were shooting up old computer towers.

I had a Sig P938 and my buddy had an LC9s we both shot both guns and hit the targets consistently.
Probably, I've only put about 30 rounds through mine and I was pleasantly surprised. 10-12 yards: It would probably be a challenge, but that is what recreational handgun shooting is supposed to be about. How much fun would it be if every round went through the first hole?

Here's my one personal comment on the LC9.... for me this is not a gun I would take to the range and shoot a lot... just not fun. I am very comfortable carrying it for protection... but I honestly don't think that if the 1 in a zillion occurs and I have to use it for defense ... it will not be a 50+ round shoot out like on TV and in the movies..
Blume, I thought the same thing but it isn't as bad as I figured. My bud has a sig 938 that is so flippy. A P94 is nice too though.
I have no experience with the "s" model, but do with the original LC9. bought my son one a couple years ago, he fancied the one his half brother had. both of those pistols were accurate out to well beyond 10 yards. the key, as always, is sight picture and trigger control. my step son thought his was bad until I shot it. then he changed his focus and practice. they are both more accurate than I am, and I shot them pretty well.

Plenty accurate. This was 7 yards. 25 was opened up quite a bit, but all on paper.
Considering that the barrel is only about 3" long and the sight radius is short it's still a pretty accurate Gun.

I shoot my Ruger LC9S Pro at a 17" Shoot N C target at the 25 yard range and hit the target.

If you shoot to the left try sticking your finger into the trigger more and use more of your finger on the trigger. If you just use the tip end of your finger on the trigger it can pull your shots to the left on a pistol. I'm doing that same thing these days but never did that so much before with either my Ruger or my Walther PPQ.

I have the finger extension base on my Ruger LC9S Pro's magazine base. So that helps control the gun better. You should be able to shoot a good group at only 7 to 10 yards if you use the proper grip and maintain good trigger control and don't jerk or anticipate the gun going off and jerk the gun.
xtratoy said:
Hickcock45 hitting his gong at 80 yards around the 5:30 minute mark.

God bless that guy. I hope he lives to be 100. I've watched hours of him.
I use the LC9s as one of my two primary carry guns. I believe that if I ever need to use this gun it likely will be at VERY close range, so when I practice with it I rarely set the target further than about 7 yards out, and almost never more than 10 yards. I am old and my steadiness is nothing like it was when I was younger, nor is my vision. But with stock sights I can keep most rounds within about a 5 inch circle, which I think will be good enough if firing at center of mass at 5 to 7 yards. This little gun has been totally reliable for me, and I like having the external safety. The LC9s has totally replaced both my LCP (which I cannot seem to fire worth a damn even at close range) and my SR40c which I find just plain unpleasant to even practice with. Eight rounds of 9mm give me a good sense of comfort for concealed carry.
Are there bigger sights available for the LC9s? I'm finding the stock sights to be way to small for my 49 year old eyes.
SpicyMcHaggis said:
Are there bigger sights available for the LC9s? I'm finding the stock sights to be way to small for my 49 year old eyes.

Not to sound like a smart-aleck but I wonder what type of sights one would want on a small pistol that was designed for concealed carry? It's not like someone should expect it to be a super accurate range gun reaching out to 25 yards or even 50 feet.
Yeah, I guess I should be thankful they are as good as they are. Outside it's not a problem really, but on the indoor range yesterday I was basically point and shoot. Which to your point, is, basically what the gun's use is intended. Night sights would work much better for me maybe. I had to take my glasses of to see these (can't see with'em can't see without' I might just paint the front post blaze orange like I do with my 1911s and see if that works. I shoot pretty good with it anyways. Loving the gun.