lc9s accuracy

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blume357 said:
I'd dedicate my time to learning to shoot the pistol without using the sights at all. The reality is if you ever had to use it.... they won't be used anyway.


Not really limited to the LC9s but all pistols of that general class:

I saw a Q&A topic on a mfr's website (name forgotten, sorry) a number of years ago, regarding the fact their small "pocket pistol" had either just a tiny nub of a front sight, or perhaps NO sights whatever. Writer was concerned about that, and the answer came back that at self defense ranges the gun was intended for, the shooter should be able to point shoot the gun well enough to hit a perp and if he was fiddling about looking for sights, he might just be dead!

With that in mind, how many of you do as blume suggests and learn to point shoot your pistols? And, if you do, how well can you shoot that way?

Rick C
Hey Rick

Absolutely .... If you can't hit someone by pointing one of these Little Cheap Pistols at legal self defense distances .... You sure as hell shouldn't be carrying anyway.

Sights are worthless on a gun like these things.

It's even funnier to watch some high-binders with their $2000 fancy guns shoot the target holder apart and not ever hit the bulls eye when a kid with an LCP in the next position shreds the black totally! Money doesn't kill the bad guy.
dickydalton said:
It's even funnier to watch some high-binders with their $2000 fancy guns shoot the target holder apart and not ever hit the bulls eye when a kid with an LCP in the next position shreds the black totally! Money doesn't kill the bad guy.

Yeah ... I bet that happens a lot .... Lots of gun owners with $2000 guns are usually bad shots .... And everybody knows that most kids with LCP's are dead nuts shooters ... :roll:

Anybody at MY range with $2000 guns sure as hell knows what they're doing and is usually a damn good shot. There's very few newbies or incompetents with $2000 weapons.

Good try though !

With Hornady Critical Defense ammo, mine will go into 3" at 40 feet.

Now this is not shooting "defense style" but sitting with wrists supported on my knees and being as careful as I can be about the sight picture as I squeeze the trigger.

Shooting "defense style" comes in at about 24" at 30 feet... 8)
I shoot at 25 yds. and keep all my shots in a 6" group.
At 7 yds. it's just one big hole and that's no fun.
fast ed said:
Does anybody thing the lc9s is accurate enough to shoot at 10-12 yards?
I shoot mine at 25 yards and hit the 17" Diameter Shoot N C target easily. Having proper shooting technique and stands really helps.

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