Security-9 Accuracy (or lack thereof)

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Dec 6, 2023
South Jersey
Hello. I just signed up. I own and have owned many Rugers; rifles, semi-autos and revolvers. Generally, I have been very pleased with their reliability and accuracy. I took delivery of a Security-9 last week and went to the range yesterday. It is the most inaccurate out-of-the-box firearm I have ever owned. I can't tell you how disappointed I am with this pistol. There has to be something seriously wrong with this gun. I read the reviews of this weapon prior to buying and no one reported stellar accuracy, but most seemed to agree it had "combat accuracy" (four-to-six-inch groups at 25 yards). This was acceptable with a $350 dollar pistol. I would have been happy with those results. What I got was 12-to-14-inch groups! I had my current carry gun with me, a venerable, bone-stock, Colt, 1911 .45, which I was hoping to replace with the Ruger. I took five shots with the Colt just to make sure it wasn't me. I got my usual 3 to 3.5 inch group. I have to admit that the trigger on the Ruger was not what I am used to, but it is somewhat similar to the Glocks, with which I am familiar. Has anyone else experienced anything like this with a Security-9? I posted a couple photos of my targets. The Ruger is the left pic. I was using Mag-Tech 115gr 9mm. I'd appreciate any input/advice.


  • Ruger 25 yd..PNG
    Ruger 25 yd..PNG
    114.1 KB · Views: 122
  • Colt 25 yd.PNG
    Colt 25 yd.PNG
    85.5 KB · Views: 111
Thanks again for the replies.

Prior to the range I spent a couple hours dry firing to get used to the trigger pull and limber up the action. At the range I put about 50 rounds through it at the seven-yard line to get used to the recoil and live fire impulse. At the seven-yard line I wasn't particularly concerned with accuracy as I was testing for function. It fed, fired and ejected flawlessly. At seven yards it kept all rounds in the black of a "Shoot and See" 8" target. At the twenty-five-yard line I fired free hand and the results were dismal. I'm a pretty good shot, always shooting "Expert" on my police qualifications. My buddy, who is a crack shot (Distinguished Expert) also was wild shooting it free hand. I then tried a sandbag rest at the 25 yard line and got the group, if you can call it that, that is the left photo in my original post.

I appreciate the advice guys! But I know how to shoot, and I know how to break a new gun in. I guess what I'm mainly asking is if anyone has had similar poor results with a Security-9. I think it's going back to Ruger for them to inspect it and make sure the barrel and chamber are not out of specs. I'll call them tomorrow and keep you posted on the results.
Before you send it back to Ruger, try doing a basic disassembly and cleaning if you haven't already. Sometimes these things can ship filthy with the factory "grease". Look for any contact points that shouldn't be there, that may affect accuracy. If that doesn't work I'm sure Ruger will make it right.
Thanks, again. I took it apart prior to the first shot and did a quick check for any barrel obstructions, burrs, etc. It wasn't "gunked up." The action was smooth (nice, actually). I did clean it after the range. I didn't see any obvious wear marks that would indicate something was out of whack. Nothing jumped out at me, but I didn't closely inspect. I will do so before sending it off to Ruger. Either way, I think it needs to go home, get checked out.
I just saw a couple videos with the Security-9 putting the first couple shots where they were supposed to go, then starting to wander. Could it be a lack of, or improper, heat treatment in the manufacture of the barrels? If so, when the barrel heats up after a few shots it may be warping. My Mini-30 is an older one and has the "pencil" barrel. I had to install a barrel brace because it was doing the same thing.
I got the gun back from Ruger yesterday.

The repair order said:

Parts Replaced - N/A
Parts Repaired: - N/A

Apparently, they didn't do anything to it.

They sent a target with five shots, supposedly from a sandbag rest, at 15 yards. It was a tight cluster.

I took it right down to the range. At 25 yards from a sandbag rest was no better than before I sent it to them.

I don't get it.

At seven yards, freehand, it was satisfactory (as it was before I sent it) but not great. I'll keep it as a bedside gun. For across the room distances it's accurate enough, but I won't carry it.

Thanks for all the suggestions and advice.
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IMHO, FWIW, YMMV, and every opinion I post is worth exactly what you paid for it - if it was my firearm, I would try multiple bullet weights from multiple ammunition manufacturers, and see if I got better results. If it was mine, I might buy whatever 9mm ammo I happened to find on sale, and give it a try. Who knows? My personal experience is that some guns just shoot better with a specific factory loading, and shoot worse (or don't even function) with other types of ammo.

Or ask Ruger what specific type of ammo they tested it with, and try that!
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If you shoot 9mm, the following article is definitely worth reading, whether you reload or not, and whether you use jacketed or cast bullets:

If you're looking for an accurate load, bullet profile is extremely important!

As always IMHO, FWIW, YMMV, etc.
I know every gun is different. Several years ago shortly after the Security-9 line came out, I bought the compact. On the range the first time, it failed to feed the first round from the magazine. Pulled the slide back and it chambered the second round. Fired and fed the third. Several mags later that day, all went off without a hitch, all accurate at several different ranges. Fed 124gr, 135gr, 148gr, mostly handloads of different configurations. It was cleaned and good to go. I personally had a great experience with mine. I've had one other Ruger autoloader do the same fail to feed that first round and then flawless afterwords. Hope you figure it out. They make great pistols in my opinion.

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