Hawkeye serial numbers

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I have a few....all have boxes but no sleeves....RR.


#144 Steve Ruger helped me make these happen.....I think he had another deal brewing.....

#265 Pics added




:D SN 85 & 86; 28(Of Course); and a few others:
728(G&H 22 Hornet 10" w/Conetrol mts. w/Burris 2X)l
8)SN 1839 S(one of ten S's) :wink:
BTW, someone needs to ask The Fellow in the greater Phoenix arena who reportedly has some eighty or more of these rare birds........... :shock: :)
Hawkeye Question,
Did the Scope mount come with the gun or is there a special one??
Also is there a special scope for these?? What came in the box from the factory? is there two different papers or just the brown wax paper?? trying to learn a little more.
I think the Bushnell "Post Mount" was one, if not the 1st system for scope mounting on the Hawkeye. It involved two tapered pins with screwdriver slots that screwed into the two original holes on the barrel. The base/ring is an individual piece, for front and back and has a "V" notch base that centers on the barrel. there are two set screws that then tighten into the taper pin/post. I have a set on mine that has a horizontal split ring with 2 screws each side as well as a variation Weaver type ring that has just two screws on one side. Coogs.
8) The molybdenum (type metal) post mounts were done for a number of handguns: Colt and S&W required tapping of the top strap, whereas the Hawkeye already had two D&T holes inthe top rear of the barrel(Only!)(Never onthe top strap from the factory!!) I consider these post mount kits to be a second generation mount system for scopes that did not come with a clamp attachment block/process, which attached to the grooves on the bottom of the scope, as in the Bushnell Phantom. The Phantom scope, First generation optic to the 256 Hawkeye, came with a Hawkeye (so marked) one piece metal base which had holes predrilled to match the factory R&T holes in the rear top of the Hawkeye's barrel. From the side, one views this mounting system as a three layered format: First, the referenced metal base(Marked HAWKEYE); Second the scope mount base?block; Third, the scope itself, in 1.x or 2.x power.........I recall vaguely(age, you must understand) that we had a RF discussion on Hawkeye mounts, partially lead by our Friend, WMG. :wink: .......Anyway, there you have it, but only for now, of course.........MIKE
Thanks, Splitz. I too, can only remember so much! I do remember one hell of a display of Hawkeye's, back in the day, by a gentleman called Clair Ellsberry. (spell?) He displayed a mount, as well as the pic of the mount on the cover of a period gun mag, ('62-'63) that if I remember correctly, had some type of arched spring "clips" that rolled around the back of the rear sight. I believe it was some type of prototype and may never have been into production. there again, what do I remember? that was about '84 or 86'. Coogs.