Before and after 32 Mag

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paul s

Jun 25, 2009
Sent this one off the ruger with a note "refinish & repair"


got a letter requesting $160.00, sent the check and two weeks later this showed up at the house.





They replaced every thing except the receiver barrel and cylinder!

Sent it with no grips and thats how Ruger returned it, I still have the "before picture" grips, would any body like to trade for a set of stags plus boot???
Very nice looking gun.
Is the rear sight with the Eagle standard? I have 650-011xx and 650-012xx and both have the plain version, no eagle. Yours looks good.
Very nice. I have been dithering about sending in a rather beat up blackhawk. I believe I shall take the plunge.
They replaced the front and rear sights with new ones.

Chance":191fdk7q said:
Very nice looking gun.
Is the rear sight with the Eagle standard? I have 650-011xx and 650-012xx and both have the plain version, no eagle. Yours looks good.
I agree w/ everybody else. Great looking gun, money well spent.

Good for you,

Nice! And, I like the way they put the last three digits of your serial number on the grip fame. They did the same thing to a beater FT .357 I posted photos of a while back.
What was wrong with it that it needed repairs? Just curious :) .

Both look good to me :D . One with nice honest wear and the other a new gun!

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