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      diyj98 replied to the thread Interesting 10/22.
      A red stock doesn't sound that appealing to me, but I'll admit that red and black laminate is pretty sharp looking.
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      diyj98 replied to the thread Go to Hunting Rifle.
      Mine is a Tikka 595 in 308 Winchester that I've owned for over 30 years. I have a number of other rifles and calibers, but tend to use...
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      diyj98 replied to the thread New Colt Python Question.
      Between the two, I'd go with the 3". The only reason for a 2" for me is for a pocket gun, but the Python is too large for my pockets...
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      diyj98 replied to the thread Long term storage.
      I prefer not to keep any stored in boxes, cases, socks, sleeves, etc. I wipe them down with RIG and store them in safes.
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      I've kept my guns for years in gun safes in an unheated, unattached garage. I wipe the ones that I don't regularly use with RIG grease...
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      I’ve owned a number of both. Colt has the name, but I believe the Ruger will hold up better and and you still have factory support...
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