Single Six 32 vs Single Seven

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Feb 20, 2011
I've been haunting gbroker for a couple weeks now and have noticed that the single six in 32 H&R seems to be in greater demand than the singe seven. Am I hallucinating and if not, why is the less potent cartridge preferred?
It's a niche market for sure.
Those that love it are rabid.
Others …. Just don't see the allure.
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Yes the ammo, but also as Hittman said, it's a niche market. And Especially to me, the original adjustable sights model that came out in late 84 and 85. I think they have increased a lot in value. (Good to see you posting, David). 🙂🙂
It would not have to do with ammo availability since the .327 can take the .32 H&R Mag. as well as the .32 Long and in most cases, the .32 acp as a semi-rimmed cartridge has worked for me in my revolver. Edit, I am just reading Star43's question about the accuracy of the .32 acp and apologies for the late reply. I did not shoot enough to be sure of an answer, but I did not notice they shot poorly.
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How accurate was the 32ACP in your shooting? I have heard they could be shot in a pinch if you had no other ammo, but the shots were all over the place ??
Yeah,,,, I took that to another level.
I loved 32 mag and bought a bunch when they were unloved (cheap) orphans. But when 327 came out my sorry logic determined 32 mag would soon become a leftover so I sold my 32 mags and bought 327 guns.
As my 32 shooting needs matured and reloading science finally wrapped its head around what the 32 mag was really capable of, I started buying 32 mags back again.
Problem was now they are more widely appreciated and 2 or 3 times more expensive than when I bought and sold before.
O my, lessons learned ,,,,,till the next time.
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I like and have them both and at first didn't see the need for 327M, especially if one hand loads for the 32HRM. A case full of H110/296, 85gr or 100gr XTP, and light it off with a SR primmer, they get zippy.
The 32's, Barrel lengths of 9.5, 6.5, 4.6.

I do like the 327M also, because of the cylinder capacity of 7 rounds. I have also tried to do them in slightly different configurations of the 32's.
The 327M's Barrel lengths of 5.5, 5.5, 3.75.

And a true 32 cal enthusiast, needs to have 1 or 2 of the the first ~800 SSM marked 32's.



And a Double Action SP101 327M.
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I like and have them both and at first didn't see the need for 327M, especially if one hand loads for the 32HRM. A case full of H110/296, 85gr or 100gr XTP, and light it off with a SR primmer, they get zippy.
The 32's, Barrel lengths of 9.5, 6.5, 4.6.
Yes, the first 800 that were marked with the "SSM" right on the gun.......You love to make people jealous, don't ya........
Yes, the first 800 that were marked with the "SSM" right on the gun.......You love to make people jealous, don't ya........
Nahhhh, I just think threads are better with pictures…😉

AND I post 2 hoping that somebody might want one or two…😳 NIB.

I would like to find a shooter SSM as both of these 2 are NIB and I just can't bring myself to shoot one, because of the complete package.

Acquired the #250 to enjoy, then along came #83, can't pass up a two digit…🙄
I consider myself more a Shooting Enthusiast, not so much a Collector.
Both of these really do belong with collectors, and have a few others to keep me busy.
I also have this factory 32 H&R Magnum ammo available if anybody has interest.

I now hand load all 32/327.
On your previous post about not really wanting to shoot the SSM's, I can understand that. You have 2 of them new in the box ......I think I would want to keep them that way too.......on the just above, why would you want to sell those beautiful new boxes of ammo. Prices are getting higher all of the time. I would keep them. That new in box ammo is pretty valuable to just keep as is, or when you shoot it, you have the one shot brass to be able to reload ?? Just wondering ?? 🙂
I acquired one of the SS blue 4 5/8th .32 H&R models way back when they were in production. Probably most of you don't know or remember a hardware store called Gibson's. They were in OK... don't know about elsewhere. We were driving by one and they had a sign out that they were having a fire sale on some guns. Went in... there had been a small fire but it had been smoky and it damaged some of the cardboard boxes of guns. I saw the little .32 and thought that would be a great woods gun.. didn't really have any amount of extra money to buy a gun... then saw it was marked $160. The gun was literally perfect... the orange box was a bit smoke damaged but that was it. I bought it, I've reloaded for it for decades... I was right... great general walking around in the woods gun with reloads.

Not long after I got the gun Skeeter and Dean wrote an article for Guns magazine where they experimented with a Single Six and .32 H&R. They went WAY hotter than factory. They were getting 1500 fps with AA #7 out of a 6.5" barrel. I tried working my way up to some of their loads. I started having brass problems before the very top... but a couple grains under their max worked very well... it has been my standard in that little gun ever since. But it has also shot quite a few hard cast lead bullets at milder velocities. (I actually never got great results with that JHP 85 grain bullet... the Sierra 90 grain JHC was my sweetheart bullet.)

Later I bought one of the Single Six fixed sight guns that is all polished and shiny. And I have a Single Seven in .327. My favorite .32/.327... one of my absolute favorites of all my guns.. is the little Ruger four inch SP101 in .327. It is so much like my much beloved Security Six... just even smaller and more handy. Great, great little gun. I put a spring kit in it but after that it shoots pretty much anything.
$160 bucks for a gun that has given you that much joy and fun for about 40 years. I think I would call that a pretty darn good investment! Very nice post. I remember when they came out as I have one myself. Yeah a lot of articles came out about them for sure. I love mine too. 🙂👍
I remember Gibson's in Lawton in the 90s when I was at Fort Sill. Haven't thought about that store in close to 30 years....
I began my reloading career by buying stuff from a Gibson's in Copperas Cove Tx. while stationed at Ft. Hood.

I have a few of the .32 Mags, and a .327. I find them ALL very nice to enjoy!