It's a double edged sword.
When cars were first invented,, folks using horses had a hard time learning to drive. Time passed, (as did older people,) and technology advanced. It's a never ending thing, no matter what type of technology it is.
If properly learned & used,, it can be good. But as noted,, it can also be hard for some to understand & learn. The ONLY and I mean ONLY thing in 30 years that Miss Penny & I have had serious arguments is over her trying to teach me computer/tab/phart phone stuff. I like to say; "I'm computer stupid."
Because the stuff changes so often,, and so many new things that were not like it was before cause me confusion. Or, just trying to understand the terminology used with these electronic devils. Even a few of the potentially helpful posts above immediately lost me in what they were trying to share.
Then, as noted,, I also have "fat fingers" to where I OFTEN hit the wrong thing. Heck, even typing I do it a lot & I have a bigger keyboard.
But there are also a lot of people who have never had the ability to even try & learn a computer or such. I know several.
People with very low, fixed incomes can't afford a smart phone, computer, or tablets come to mind. Throw in their age, and they are totally lost trying to understand things.
My helper, is in that group. He's got some medical issues,, and the doctors say; "Go online & look at" or "We'll send you this in an email," or similar statements. Or he'll get a text, and it'll say; "We sent you the information and you need to email us XYZ." He has to call the doctors office, & try & get them to understand he doesn't have ANY way of doing such stuff. Yet,, they fail to put it in his records to CALL him as it's the ONLY way to reach him.
Technology can be good,, but it can also be bad.
While many have learned & adapted,, others can't seem to be capable of doing seemingly simple tasks.
I'll use myself as an example.
Last night, I was looking for a specific picture in my computer. It wasn't there. It is in my IPhone. It is also in ICloud. (I rarely go to ICloud due to my inability to understand HOW to use most of it.) I wanted to send the picture, from ICloud, to my computer picture file. Simple,,, right???
I highlighted the picture, then I went to the "share" icon, and went to my picture file. I tried to send it in as many ways as I could. It did not go.
So, I tried a different route. I tried to "send to" my email. I got the email, yet I can not open the picture.
I have no clue why it doesn't work. And this SHOULD be a simple process.
I'm computer stupid.
Sadly,,, those of us who are electronically challenged in todays fast changing digital, internet or whatever world are outdated & we'll be gone one day & it won't matter. (My mother was never able to learn a computer & she's now gone.) But trying to keep up with all the different stuff & spending a LOT of time TRYING to learn stuff is wasteful. (Kinda like Blume's post about the inspection program for chimney's.) Waste time & it costs customers money.
Not all technology is good.
Now,, just think of what will happen if the electronic supply system is down. Batteries die. Chargers don't work. (Yes, I know there are some solar chargers,, but not everybody has them.) Let's say that it's down for a few weeks.
Chaos will happen.
Or, let's say an even worse thing happens where an electronic pulse (EMP) wipes out everything? What then?
But every day, we are all being FORCED to live in an electronic world. It reminds me of the story of placing a frog in a pot of water, and slowly heating it up to boiling. The frog is unaware he's being slowly cooked alive.
I feel like that frog a lot.