US Marine ranks.....

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Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
Many years ago when I was still a Platoon Sergeant we had a new 2nd LT assigned to the unit. He was given the job of Service Platoon Ldr. I knew him before OCS (Officers Candidate School) so he came to me and said he was lost. He said he had no idea what was happening. I 'suggested' he attach himself to the coat tail of the senior Staff Sergeant running the armorers and ask a LOT of questions. He stopped me a couple days later and said "That Sergeant REALLY knows what he is doing!" I told him that is why he is doing what he is doing.
Aug 1, 2022
Communist Paradise of NY
Many years ago when I was still a Platoon Sergeant we had a new 2nd LT assigned to the unit. He was given the job of Service Platoon Ldr. I knew him before OCS (Officers Candidate School) so he came to me and said he was lost. He said he had no idea what was happening. I 'suggested' he attach himself to the coat tail of the senior Staff Sergeant running the armorers and ask a LOT of questions. He stopped me a couple days later and said "That Sergeant REALLY knows what he is doing!" I told him that is why he is doing what he is doing.
The best thing a new Ensign or 2nd Lieutenant can do is find a smart E6 or E7 and ask them for help.
I don't have a military background but learned a lot of my chosen trade from retired Navy Chiefs.

I retired as Chief Engineer and currently work as a 1st Class Engineer. When I was Chief I trained several college graduate Engineers in practical engineering in a high pressure Powerhouse. They would actually ask my superiors if they could take me to other places where they were designing systems for my input on the project. I would be in work blue consulting with the suits and usually they took my advice. A couple of times they didn't and came back to me for more help. Those were costly mistakes on their part.

The current Chief Engineers of several large facilities in the area are people that I helped and trained. I have been welcomed into their facilities and when I am introduced to their crews they always tell them that I was the one who made them into the Chief Engineer that they are.

Not a bad legacy and I am still helping others to become good Chief Engineers or Journeymen in other skilled trades.


Apr 9, 2023
Eastern NC
While deployed, I found myself driving a dump truck that was assigned to a driver who got himself restricted to the ship.
So, here I am in Egypt with a tactical dump truck (M51) which is probably 40 years old. It was one of only two wheeled vehicles that survived the landing from the Med across the soft sandy beach into the big desert. So, I ended up hauling everything from water to ammo.
An Engineer Platoon commander, 1st LT needed a couple tons of demolitions hauled out into the desert. C4, dynamite, 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel, and several rolls of Det cord. He also wanted to throw a big ammo can full of blasting caps back there with the demo. I refused to haul the blasting caps back there, so he put them in the glove box and rode with his feet against the dashboard, so they couldn't fall out.
After we got to the site, I told him to give me just one of the 40 caps he had in the glove box. I put it in an ammo can and ran some wire about 50 feet away and set that one blasting cap off in that ammo can. He was SHOCKED when it blew that steel can up like a balloon and ripped shrapnel holes all through it. He realized he would have blown a big hole in the sand where the truck was.
He was a very humble LT after that.
That is one example of why Marines say the most dangerous weapon they have is a 2nd Lt with a map.


Jul 29, 2023
Gettysburg PA Area
As a matter of interest while on the subject, a TV news item recently showed ROTC graduates from the University of Memphis being sworn in as commissioned officers. About sixwere in dress whites of Navy officers, one in the dress blue of a Marine offficder.

Which raised the question in my mind: What does a newly commissioned ROTC officer do next? That is, is there some kind of transitional training he must take, or does he go directly into Army/Navy life?

Bob Wright
My older Brother graduated John Hopkins ROTC and was commissioned as a 2LT....he went directly to flight school and ended up a Cobra pilot.

While in College his summers were spent with the Army......Basic Training, Airborne Jump School, Armor School, Air Assault School. He spent 10 years active and retired as a full bird Colonel in the Army Reserve. While in the Army Reserve he was a Police Officer/Helo Pilot.

I grew up in a Army family......I joined the Navy and I don't like helicopter rides LOL.


Nov 18, 2004

I grew up in a Army family......I joined the Navy and I don't like helicopter rides LOL.
Mixed feelings on helicopter rides.... half the time, it was taking me someplace I REALLY didn't want to go. The other half the time, it was getting me the hell out of there.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Long time ago and this was when I had a good bit of testosterone running through me I was told that one's first helicopter ride is better than sex. I scoffed until I strapped into the back side seat of the helicopter and they left the door open and we took off with my boots hanging over the side. Man what a ride... I know I exaggerate... but I needed to pull my feet in when we came to land because of the tops of the pine trees being so close. I'd probably have to clean my shorts if it did that today. The second time I went out we were being trained on how to direct helos into a live fire zone.


Oct 30, 2022
The Navy also has Lower Half Rear and Rear Admirals. So one is only half a Rear ( and the lower half at that), while the other is a full Rear. Go figure. Must have something to do with swivel chair design. ;)
Yes..Thier system VERY old..totally Diff..your right bout rear Admirals, lower half and upper ones..


Oct 30, 2022
Long time ago and this was when I had a good bit of testosterone running through me I was told that one's first helicopter ride is better than sex. I scoffed until I strapped into the back side seat of the helicopter and they left the door open and we took off with my boots hanging over the side. Man what a ride... I know I exaggerate... but I needed to pull my feet in when we came to land because of the tops of the pine trees being so close. I'd probably have to clean my shorts if it did that today. The second time I went out we were being trained on how to direct helos into a live fire zone.
Yea, remember mine,my ship over to Nimitz for Medical..46 sea knight..Soo cool!