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    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Stupid Bowl.
      The Puppy Bowl was not even as good as it has been in years past.
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread The Band.
      Robbie Robertson was my fave. Love his Native American Music!
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Could not believe what I saw.
      If in England, why is the dog driving on the right side of the street? Luv her ear rings. Always thought large hoop ear rings made one...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Strange movie casting....
      Robert Mitchum must have had great acting chops as he was paid for being in 100+ movies. I think in most roles that he played, he played...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread No more Boy Scouts.
      The Scouts of today are the soldiers of tomorrow. That includes the women who joined/fought and died in the service. On another note, a...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Snow at my house this morning.
      Snow is not all bad. My son was driving back to Beaverton, OR from Socorro, NM and had to hole up in Elko, NV for the night because all...
    • KIR
      KIR posted the thread Strange movie casting... in The Lounge.
      Recently blown away by a strange movie casting. Ray "Crash" Corrigan was in the movie Captive Wild Woman Movie. Ray was not credited and...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Breakfast shock.
      My son was in town yesterday due to storm in N. Cali. and Oregon. We had lunch at Romano's Macaroni Grill since neither of us had ever...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Breakfast shock.
      I used to bring in snacks for my co-workers and one day I brought in some turkey jerky that was shaped in flat round pieces. After...
    • KIR
      KIR reacted to Yaworski's post in the thread Breakfast shock with Love Love.
      When I get the flu, I drink a bottle of Nyquil and crawl into bed. Can they not do that with chickens. Mabe feed them some soup...
    • KIR
      KIR replied to the thread Breakfast shock.
      Last visit to the doctor, he asked how many eggs I eat per week. He said due to my high cholesterol, I should only have two eggs/week...
    • KIR
      On the Beach with Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and Fred Astair; Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum!
    • KIR
      The Victory at Sea series is available on Youtube.
    • KIR
      As we speak, I am watching In Harms Way. I don't notice any absence of color, and I can't imagine it with color.
    • KIR
      Ask if they want to watch Night of the Living Dead in color.
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