Unsuccessful first range day with my new LCP Max

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Sig recommends a 400 round break in , plus we use Glock 45s at work and when they were brand new, the instructors were like, Glock says to put a couple hundred rounds through them before carrying them, which Qual Day takes care of anyway

Now, break in probably won't cure a gun that left the factory as a POS but the occasional bobble can usually be chalked up to some break in

Maybe it's BS cooked up by gunmakers to use the customer as final QC.....or like "breaking in " a new car and being advised to drive carefully for 1000 Miles but mechanics says it's BS.

I use "break in" and "test firing" as an excuse to go shoot

My 9mm SP101 is on its 3rd iteration of springs that I just dropped in, so I'm off to go "test fire" . I really don't feel bonded with a gun until I have at least 1000 rounds though it, and at that point it's still "evolving " as I decide on accessories, grips, grip sleeves etc.

My Glock 42 is ammo sensitive and also took a few boxes to be 100% reliable. I found the ammo it likes and it's all good

Sometimes you have to play with ammo , micro pistols are far more ammo sensitive

There are people recommending a 1000 round break in period for a pistol which is kinda crazy, many people won't shoot that many through a carry gun , ever
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I agree 100%. The whole break in thing is bull——.

Totally disagree. I own many guns including a lot of pocket guns, now and in the past. Many of these have tight tolerences. Micro burr's need to be removed and that is done by braking in the gun. A lot of it can be done before going to the range. I also will take the Magazine and load it to full capacity and let the spring take a set for a few days. Especially some guns with heavy springs. I will also take a wooden dowel and "Exercise" the spring by moving it up and down. I also race the slide and let the recoil spring take a "Set". Then I will rack the slide over and over while watching TV etc. All my guns run Great from the beginning. Figured this out many years ago. Most especially the small guns. And I always change out the Recoil springs much earlier than most people. I have owned many LCP's and for those I always used a Wolf 13# spring.
My Max certainly didn't need break in. The thing is so loose it rattles! Was shooting 8" low at 7 yards. Ruger replaced the slide and barrel, now shoots a couple of inches low but I can live with that. It has never had feeding issues with either barrel/slide combo. The feed ramp on both barrels was rough and I suspect that leads to a lot of feeding issues on some of these guns. A felt "bullet" on a dremel and a little fine metal polish takes care of that. At 7-10 yards mine groups 2 to 4 inches depending on what kind of day I'm having. I carry the little rattle trap all day, every day. I do have the hots for a Security 380, but haven't got it past the manager (wife) yet.
Seems Ruger sets these guns up to use compact sight picture. If you use 6:00 hold, it will shoot low - mine does. My slide/frame rattles also, but doesn't affect performance. As long as it cycles and goes bang on every trigger pull, your gun is fine. If you read the threads here on this gun, you'll find all this and much more. Really like my Max! Sweet pocket gun.

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