Unsuccessful first range day with my new LCP Max

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Feb 28, 2022
I wish I had a successful first trip to the range with my Davidson's Exclusive Ruger LCP Max Elite but it wasn't meant to be. It was pretty greasy in the bag when I picked it up at my LGS so I cleaned it up when I got home. I wanted to get around 200 rounds through it so while I brought a couple of other guns with me, I started out with the Max. I was only able to try six shots off as I had multiple FTF's and fortunately noticed that the takedown pin was working its way out. I pulled the pin out, inspected everything, and then had a lot of difficulty trying to get the takedown pin to go back in. As I kept trying, the pin popped out and landed in front of the railing where all of the spent casings get swept into so I figured it was a lost cause. I snapped a photo with my cell phone and thought there might be a chance and as I zoomed in, there it was propped up against the front of the concrete and a spent casing.

LCP Max takedown pin 01.jpg

LCP Max takedown pin 02.jpg

So while I was lucky enough to find it, I decided that I was not going to try it again, so I guess I will be contacting Ruger. I also think I will order the M*CARBO takedown pin as it looks to be better made anyway.

I'll post back when I hear from Ruger.
I feel your disappointment. It's always lousy to have a bad first range session with a new gun. I recently got a Security 380, and was apprehensive about my first range trip with it. Fortunately it went well, and I was happy.
Not trying to make you feel worse. You better make sure you are happy with the accuracy at 7 yards other wise you will need to keep sending pistol back multiple times on that issue too. Don't ask me how I know.
I will predict that it will take 4 returns to Ruger before every thing is fixed on the pistol.
Ruger stock holder , MD
I feel your disappointment. It's always lousy to have a bad first range session with a new gun. I recently got a Security 380, and was apprehensive about my first range trip with it. Fortunately it went well, and I was happy.
How do you like the Sec 380? Its being added to the approved list (stupid Maryland rules) and im trying to get my wife to get one. She handled the sec 9 and likes the feel of it but with the even lighter rack it should work well for her.
How do you like the Sec 380? Its being added to the approved list (stupid Maryland rules) and im trying to get my wife to get one. She handled the sec 9 and likes the feel of it but with the even lighter rack it should work well for her.
I am more pleased with it than any other pistol I have ever owned (about 15 of them). I have put over 200 rounds through it I. The month I have had had it. Both FMJ and Underwood Extreme Defender were fired and not a single failure. I find several advantages to it. I can rack it with hands that were giving out trying to rack my Security 9 Compact. The recoil is so light it felt like not much more than 22 LR. My accuracy has improved due to the low recoil. I can shoot,Tim one handed with either hand and still make suitable hits for a SD situation.

I have written this in several forums over the years. In a self defense situation the two most important factors for prevailing are speed and accuracy. This gun allows me to be fast and accurate. 380 ACP can get the job done, and if you achieve good accuracy it will do more than suffice. I have no regrets over buying and switching to the Security 380.
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So after not doing anything with my LCP Max since I had some other pistols to break in, I decided to try it again but I was still having issues getting the stock takedown pin to go in. Before sending it back to Ruger, I ordered the MCARBO Heavy Duty STRESS-PROOF Takedown Pin and the Galloway Precision 13 lb Outer Recoil Spring and Stainless Steel Guide Rod and installed them a little over a week ago and went to the range a few days later. Well wouldn't you know it but I had no issues what so ever. So while I am not sure which one did the trick or if it was the combo off all three, but I ran over 100 rounds of different ammo and grains without a hitch.

I even tried putting the stock takedown pin back in and it just would not back in like the MCARBO pin does. I'll probably put the stock guide rod and spring back in just to see what happens but since mine was a Davidsons Exclusive, it was supposed to have a stainless steel guide rod in it already but the stock one already looks a bit chewed up like some that I have seen pictures of and it does not look like it was stainless steel. Not sure what I will do but I am happy that it is running well now and I plan on taking it to the range anytime I go now so I can keep putting rounds through it to see how it holds up.

I really wanted to be already using it as my small and light summer EDC but I have not put enough rounds through it to feel confident in it yet. Fortunately my new Sig P365-380 is running great and my trusty Glock 42 is still serving me well. I'll update again once I take it to the range and may also end up putting all of the stock parts back in, if I can get the takedown pin back in of course, and then send it to Ruger to see what they can find.
I made only two modifications to my LCP Max, both from MCarbo. I bought and installed the Take-down Pin and the stainless steel guide rod.

Last Saturday at the range I fired 50 rounds, for a grand total of 550 totally flawless rounds. I purchased every brand of .380acp ammo I could find and, while I did notice variation in performance (i.e., acccuracy), I did best with Precision One ammo. YMMV. The LCP-Max is my EDC now in an Alabama Kydex pocket holster. Great little gun that I carry with with confidence.
Thanks, that is good to hear. I have not tried any Precision One yet but the only ammo that has consistently failed in all of my 380's is Carbon City 75 Grain LFB and I still have three boxes of 50. :mad:
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It probably just needs to break in

Still. if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, I'd call Ruger and get a shipping label
I used to agree with the "break in" thingy.
Changed my mind. A gun should work and function constantly, consistently and reliably right out of the box.

Wish I had back all the money spent on "break in" ammo for guns I sold or traded for better guns.
Thanks. I took the slide off last night to install the Hogue grip I ordered and noticed that the aftermarket takedown pin will move out ever so slightly when I rack the slide. I think I will go ahead and put the stock parts back on and get a request from Ruger to send it back.
Thanks. I took the slide off last night to install the Hogue grip I ordered and noticed that the aftermarket takedown pin will move out ever so slightly when I rack the slide. I think I will go ahead and put the stock parts back on and get a request from Ruger to send it back.
Probably the best idea

I have a brand new 9mm SP101 I probably should have sent back in , but .008 worth of endshake shims and 2,000 rounds later I have a usable 15 yard revolver with a probably 30lb DA pull . I probably should have went with the S&W 986 PC I originally wanted but I stayed loyal to Ruger and ended up basically having to fix the gun myself.

Despite owning dozens of Rugers I'm honestly done buying new Rugers, I'm not dropping $700 on a gun I have to work the bugs out of myself , again.

I'm afraid Ruger is sliding down the poor QC rabbit hole
I used to agree with the "break in" thingy.
Changed my mind. A gun should work and function constantly, consistently and reliably right out of the box.

Wish I had back all the money spent on "break in" ammo for guns I sold or traded for better guns.
I agree 100%. The whole break in thing is bull——.

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