RENE and the 17 HMR Single Sixes

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Feb 5, 2008
North Alabama
You guys read what Chet wrote in the latest RENE about the stainless steel Single Sixes that turned up? Not just the 5.5 but the 6.5 version too.... Looks like he is thinking that they may actually be a very limited one time thing like the Lipsey's rep leaked to my dealer.... We still have a 5.5 and a 6.5 sitting on the shelf here but that shouldn't surprise anyone since the 17M2/HMR Convertible Hunter sat on the shelf here seems like forever...
Axehandle":2sfw0lgv said:
Looks like he is thinking that they may actually be a very limited one time thing like the Lipsey's rep leaked to my dealer....

Yes, it would seem that there really aren't that many people interested in it. So I think Ruger will lose interest shortly also.
Actually, it surprised me that they would bring something like that out!
Neither has made Ruger's website either as far as I'm aware.
CHET 15--- you said in RENE you wanted serial numbers. here's a couple for you. 265-14188 and 265-14198 these two have the 6 1/2" barrel. they have cocobolo grips with red backround medallions. i've also seen these guns with laminated grips and standard rosewood grips, both having black backround medallions. hope this is some helpful info. dan
danjoe2006":2cvxc6uv said:
these two have the 6 1/2" barrel. they have cocobolo grips with red backround medallions. i've also seen these guns with laminated grips and standard rosewood grips, both having black backround medallions. hope this is some helpful info. dan

Makes it tough to keep up with things, three different kinds of grips!!!
Looks like Ruger is continuing to rid themselves of leftover parts.
I'm hearing the .22 pistol may be coming with black eagle medallions again also!

Anybody else got sn's of these stainless 17's?