Predict the future (50 Years from now)

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Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
It is well known that nasty things are the dominant area that the "press" plays in and yes, feeds us every day the same narrative. You have to actually hunt for something of value and of a positive nature these days. To be more defined so to speak, negative comments are seemingly made about those that are wealthy and examples of that are those like Musk and Trump. Oh, those no-good SOB's are horrible, uncaring, cheaters and yes, even thieves!! How many jobs, careers have you seen created by a poor person?? Actually, the number is ZERO for it takes what is known as "capital," meaning money to create firms which hire others to work in and develop careers for not only themselves but their families. You hear many that say they would not work for those firms for they are not nice to me, harsh in the manner they operate their firms, don't pay me enough, and the list of those complaints go on and on. Well, wake up the world is not fair in any regard and has not been since the beginning of time and not soon to change. Friend of mine constantly complains about his workplace and asked him one day if he had ever had a paycheck "bounce" or if a paycheck did not show up when it should.
His answer was no and since he had spent 32 years of his life working for the same firm, he was complaining about I asked why do you stay there then if it is such a bad place?? Well, he opined that they do not lay off people or rarely fire anyone. That equals what is known as job security but in reality, a firm such as that should revisit their policies regarding layoffs and firings. IF you do not like your work/job then quit and seek other employment and if your current job is paying you in a timely basis keep your mouth shut regarding complaints about your employer for doubt you ever refuse to take the paycheck from "the man."
As for former President D J Trump and those who do not like him for, I can well remember the Nation was not in an economic crisis during his term in office and certainly not on the cliffs edge in going to war which as we speak are very near that catastrophe to happen and who are you going to blame for that event?? Can't be Trump for the last time I checked he is not back in the Whitehouse(yet.)
Let's see now, impeached him twice which is same as being charged for breaking the law in some manner and both times acquitted, which means he was innocent. Ever see how much that exercise cost the taxpayers, doubt you ever will but any way you slice it, was a political ploy instead of doing the job they were elected to do, and they failed in grand fashion. With total control of the three houses of Federal Gov't I would think some thought should be directed at our Southern Border and the thousands of illegals crossing daily into America. They already have a fleet of "clown cars" and only thing they are missing for their total public costumes are a pair of big floppy clown shoes then they would be complete clowns


Mar 21, 2011
And with one swipe of her hand....... Yellowstone goes off, there's a massive solar flare, we're line of sight for a burst from a pulsar, the grid goes down and it's Mad Max with all the helpless urbanites eating each other....... And Mother Nature regains her balance.
Exactly! EMP.


Oct 18, 2012
Ct., Va., & Vanzant, Mo.
"there will be wars and rumor of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places."


Aug 7, 2022
The future is none of my business,

til I get there.

In that moment, memory will remind me,

its none of my business.

Funny thing, Memory, it has no view of future.

In that moment the future has memory.

The present, is a gift, both from memory and the future.


Dec 4, 2021
Greater division between the "haves" and "have nots". Something like the Morlocks and the Eloi but not as a giant split.


Oct 8, 2022
The future is none of my business, til I get there. In that moment, memory will remind me, its none of my business.
Funny thing, Memory, it has no view of future. In that moment the future has memory.
The present, is a gift, both from memory and the future.

Wow ! (now if I can learn to stay out of the past)


Jan 2, 2022
Dave P. and sharpblade7777, don't let my rap fool you, I am so blessed. But we need people like me to speak truth to power otherwise we end up with frauds like Trump. The bottom line America was never design for the 'average'. The real goal now in America is to do what they have done in Europe and replace White people.

Some don't like it when we say "I was born a poor White child", doesn't play into the narrative. In the near future the deadbeats and ghetto blasters will think they are living high on the hog with their $1200 dollar a month universal wage while paying $800 dollars a month to live with the cockroaches under the slumlords.

Most of us will be on a filthy and dangerous public transportation system after they force us out of the market (all by design) sitting next to the crazies and stickies with one hand in the pocket clutching a knife hoping not be robbed or assaulted.
10 years in school debt with a worthless degree as they sponsor the H-1B visa gang. 3 roommates on top ramen noodles, shoplifting and selling weed to supplement.
You had me until you pinned all the Bullscat on Trump. You are wrong. He is probably the last gulp of fresh air America will ever have.


Jan 2, 2022
The Lord Jesus Christ MAY come for His saints, the church, then it will be seven years before he comes back to earth with His saints to rule one thousand years. Rest assured of that promise.

Bob Wright

My Bible doesn't say that. Mine says that on the Day of the Lord tribulation will stop, all the deceased and living Saints will be raptured, recieve their eternal body, and Reign with Christ for 1000 years.



Jan 2, 2022
Most Hispanics are, but only the Chicano's (American born) ever vote conservative and then only if they get ahead. What they have been doing is bringing in the Hispanics from all the socialist country's from South America and it's not just for a new voting block but to replace Whites as a majority.

And they will never get ahead because the system won't let them. They are over here for a free ride same as the economic migrants in Europe and the system is already prepping them as they have them on the public doe already. If they vote in the future it will be for whatever side pays the most in handouts.

And just like Europe's economic migrant invasion we are getting the worst of the worst.

Yes, this is what Trump said. And the party of JackAsses stopped him from completing the wall.

shoot to thrill

Oct 1, 2022
And just to be fair, let's not forget they had plenty of help from the Party of RINOs as well.
trump had no intention of building the wall deporting illegals by the millions like he said getting methico to pay for the wall which was easy cause I would tax the 56 billion sent to mexico at 90%. the left has been winning for 50 years cause they do what they want regardless of court rulings. who would stop trump if he sent 50K soldiers along with 20K const workers and build the wall. clic the pic to see it all


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Dec 17, 2007
New Jersey
In 50 years, figure on Orwell's 1984, but at least 5x worse.

My "good old days" were the Reagan years. In 50 years, some poor dumb bastards will be considering this as their "good old days." God help them.

We've got one last chance, in November 2024, to set the ship on proper course.