My wife really wants a Judge, but I'm just not impressed with the quality even in comparison to the newer Rugers.
If I were in your place, and really wanted that Circuit Judge, I'd keep the SBH, and buy the other. If I couldn't come up with the money for that, I'd take it as a sign from God not to do anything. (This is just me speaking, I'm not trying to direct you one way or the other. If you really want that CG, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. I just know that my Rugers will go to my boys when I can't use them anymore.)
Once this poll is done, it's still going to come down to you. I personally wouldn't even consider it. I personally regret every firearms trade that I do. I get way too attached to my guns. It's just me.
I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.