p89 vs p95dc

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Aug 6, 2009
Gunshop said they'd give me even trade for p89 with worn barrel I just got from them a the p95dc they just traded in. Which is the better weapon overall. I could always spend the 150 dollars for a replacement barrel. Thanks for the info.
that I know of they are equally good, the biggest difference is the polymer frame of the P95 vs. the alloy frame of the P89. If the dc is the decock only, I'd grab it as I prefer that to the decock safety.
Not saying whether to trade or not but why do you think the p89 has a worn barrel? It takes a whole lot of ammo to wear out a barrel. I have been shooting a kimber 45 for 12 years and after thousands and thousands of rounds the gun still locks up tight and shoots very nice groups. Just curious. I have a p95 decocker that I like by the way. Also here is a new barrel for $50 and here's an auction on a complete p89 minus the frame if you want to rebuild your gun .Mark

http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewIt ... =136462241
http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewIt ... =136532552

I inspected the barrel of the 89 and a 95. the 95's rifling appeared far more distinct(deeper,etc) than that of the 89. was just worried it would be in need of a replacement, whick Ruger CS says will cost about $150 for labor and shipping. I saw on Auction arms the whole assembly, just didn't know if it would turn out to be just as bad since it didn't show a pix of the rifling.
If that pistol was a rental at a busy shooting range, I can believe the barrel might be worn out. Otherwise, I'd seriously doubt it. Not saying it can't happen, but it would be extremely unusual, and the gun would show many other signs of hard use.
150 is pretty steep for a P89 barrel... I believe I paid $90 for a ported one... don't know where the labor part is going to come in. I would hope you don't pay for someone to install it.

I agree with what ab4ka said.... Decock is much better, in fact one of my local gun shops has a kp89dc for sale for $350 and if I had the money I would snatch it up right away... even though I prefer the 95 better.
blume357:150 is pretty steep for a P89 barrel... I believe I paid $90 for a ported one... don't know where the labor part is going to come in. I would hope you don't pay for someone to install it.

That is what Ruger quoted me. I called to ask to buy a barrel and they said I had to ship the gun in and have them replace it. 89 for the barrel, 30 smithing fee and 30 shipping. they said they couldn't ship the barrel itself.
Let me underscore what the folks have said about the barrel very likely NOT being worn out.

First of all, it's hard to compare rifling depth with your eyeball. If one bore is shinier than the other they will look different, for example.

Second, the rifling is not the same depth on all models. If you have a NEW P89 barrel for comparison then you can try to make a determination as to whether the rifling is more shallow in the used gun (comparing apples to apples) although it would still be difficult. On the other hand, trying to compare it to a different model is not productive at all.

Also, a worn out barrel will LOOK like a worn out barrel, not like a barrel where the rifling is just a little shallower. It takes a LOT of shooting to wear out a barrel. More to the point the gun will also look HEAVILY used.

Furthermore, EVEN if the rifling is shallow, the barrel is not worn out unless accuracy or velocity has dropped off to an unacceptable level. Even VERY shallow rifling is capable of spinning the bullet enough to stabilize it. Problems only develop when the rifling has worn so badly that it no longer engages the bullet or when there's too much gas blowby in the bore.

If you WANT another gun then go for it. But it is, in my opinion, HIGHLY unlikely that you really have a worn out barrel.
Kudos to JohnKSa's post.
Well written...better than I could have....and agree with all he posted.

Will just add...hard to wear out a Ruger 9mm barrel.

P89 vs a P95DC?

Get, just my opinion....

And I won't suggest one over the other...lol
Own a P95DC, love it.......
But known many P89 owners over the years that loved those too!
It truly is a personal choice.

Thinking yer thinking a home defense and target gun,not a concealed carry gun.
I also own a P91.....about the same size as yer P89...but a .40sw cal.
So own both sizes....

My P91 total house gun ...This is the gun I grab if hear a bump in the night.......

My P95......
Lighter,holds a few more, slightly smaller rounds.
This one tend to wear outside...with a cheap priced uncle mikes pancake holster......I never even notice it on my hip.
Both the P89 and the P95 has great reps.........
Handle both,find what fits you best!
Thanks to you all! I am going pick up the P89 ( left it with them while I did research) and try it out. I feel pretty confident after having heard from you all. I do like the feel of the p89 a little better. Let you know when I've had a chance to shoot it!
Good call Bulldog. I think you will find the barrel on the 89 is fine... if all else fails and you are not sure... then contact me and I'll lone you one to compare. There is no way I can see that any smithing needs to be done. If you haven't all ready, get the manual off the internet for the pistol, and take it down to clean and you'll see what I mean. I have three different barrels for my P89, but one is a 30cal luger barrel.

I hope that wasn't the P89 in the used case at Luthi's in Greenville because that's the one I want OH SO BAD!
(Just noticed you are from SC)
So it has now been a year since getting the P89. Thanks to you all! I couldn't be happier with my purchase and my latest trip to the range proves you all right. That barrel is far from worn out as indicated by the . shots I made at 25 yards. All in the center of mass! Thanks again to you all! Bulldog
Cool... just goes to show, never assume.

P89s are tanks... for good or bad... and you really have to push it to get even close to bad on them.... they are reliable and tough. I guess the worse thing you can say about them is they are not a compact pocket pistol.... which seems to be what a lot of folks want these days.

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