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      pisgah replied to the thread Why Can't They.
      Big choppers are useless in much of that terrain, unless you're dropping a squad on some ridge-top. Small privately owned helicopters...
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      Some folks say the Ruger triggers are horrible; others say they're the best. Take your pick.
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      They used to be cheap because no one wanted one and Winchester and Marlin had made something like 20 million of them. Then, both went...
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      pisgah replied to the thread 41M vs 357 M for Home Defense.
      A .22 indoors can deafen you. Alive and deaf = better than dead.
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      pisgah replied to the thread Dovetail filler.
      Not to be snarky, but are you hiring a personal shopper here? Because I can spend 30 seconds doing an online search and find a bunch of...
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      pisgah replied to the thread Who Sees a Chiropractor?.
      My best friend is a chiropractor. My ideas about it are the same as his: if you have a condition that will respond well to...
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      pisgah replied to the thread Buried with jewelry..
      If anyone thinks jewelry buried with the deceased ever actually makes it into the ground, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell...
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      pisgah replied to the thread base reversed.
      If you've got a good-fitting screwdriver, blue loctite shouldn't provide much of a challenge to removal. That's what the blue is for --...
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      The very fact that this is being posted to a public Internet forum tells me that the poster is unaware of the fact that he has long ago...
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      pisgah replied to the thread Webinar on 'Church' Safety.
      Seems there is a problem recognizing that a kid who makes repeated violent threats against his school or church is a potential problem...
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      pisgah replied to the thread SP101 Hammerless.
      They used to sell them, but it's been many years since I ordered one. Worth a call to find out , if you need one.
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      pisgah replied to the thread Should I Refrain From Comment?.
      No insult to anyone intended -- but if you spend more than 10 seconds a week on Facebook, that is a pathetic statement on the quality of...
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      pisgah replied to the thread Help with Solar Charger.
      24 volts? Yeah, you can fry plenty of chips with that...
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      pisgah replied to the thread Should I Refrain From Comment?.
      Just forward his original post and reply to the local Sheriff's office...
    • P
      pisgah replied to the thread Picked up a P90.
      Clunky? Yeah, but smooth-as-silk to shoot. Don't have one right now, but just missed snagging one a couple of weeks ago. They're a...
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