LCP 9mm rumors?

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Mar 26, 2009
Has anyone heard if Ruger is planning on releasing a 9mm version of the LCP? I love the idea of a small semi-auto carry pistol, but I'm not a fan of the .380 caliber. If they'd come out with the LCP in 9mm, I think it'd be great!
sturmenater":3f7d8jnd said:
if they do alot of people will call them a P.O.S because of limp wrist
As for the "Rumor", that was "The Rumor" on the ElsiePea (LCP) forum last Jan. Prior to the ShotShow, but as it turned out, it was the LCR, not a LCP9!

But realistically speaking, I would highly doubt it!! Ruger revised the LCP manual to state that +P ammo should not be used. So if there is an 'issue' with the higher preasures encountered in .380 +P ammo, (25,000 PSI) it then it seem that the 35,000 psi Standard 9mm might be way too much!
How could you possibly control a platform like that (size and weight) in 9mm and how could it (the gun) possible withstand regular firing? Who would want to shoot it? Go with a Kahr PM9 - that is about as small and reliable as you are going to get in 9mm for less than a grand. You can only push the envelope so much.

As Gator said, the subject has been discussed elsewhere and the consensus pretty much mirrors the above.
kraigster414 said:
Go with a Kahr PM9 - that is about as small and reliable as you are going to get in 9mm for less than a grand. You can only push the envelope so much.

My son recently purchased a Kahr PM9. I have not shot it but it sure feels good in the hand. Not too bad on the price of one either.
Does the LCP use a tilting barrel, locked-breech action, as opposed to the blowback action used by many .380's? (I don't own one, so I don't know). Virtually all of today's semiautomatic pistols of 9mm or larger caliber [Hi-Point excepted] use Browning's tilting barrel, locked-breech action.

I sure wouldn't want to fire a 9mm from a blowback action pistol. I wouldn't be strong enough to rack the slide!

However, if the LCP uses a tilting barrel, locked-breech action, then they should be able to engineer it to shoot 9mm. They may need different metallurgy or stronger parts, but it should be doable.
Jumping Frog":2wyjgtjh said:
Does the LCP use a tilting barrel, locked-breech action, as opposed to the blowback action used by many .380's? (I don't own one, so I don't know). Virtually all of today's semiautomatic pistols of 9mm or larger caliber [Hi-Point excepted] use Browning's tilting barrel, locked-breech action.

I sure wouldn't want to fire a 9mm from a blowback action pistol. I wouldn't be strong enough to rack the slide!

However, if the LCP uses a tilting barrel, locked-breech action, then they should be able to engineer it to shoot 9mm. They may need different metallurgy or stronger parts, but it should be doable.

Definitely doable. And probably will be done. Heck, they make 45 derringers. I still wouldn't want a 9mm LCP. Yikes. One shot and just throw it at the bad guy and run!
Before talking about a 9mm LCP, get one in your hands and strip it. You will be struck by the delicacy of the parts, including the thinnest barrel I have ever seen.
Since there's a lot of hot 9mm ammo out there, any pistol chambered for it has to be able to hold up to it. That means a very sturdy, solid pistol, considerably taller, thicker, and heavier than the LCP.
The LCP frame will only take smaller, not larger, calibers. There's no logic to making it in .32 or .25acp, but there might be a market for a blowback .22 version.
I don't like the recoil of the .380 version and a 9mm would be much worse... I have a PF9 and can't say I enjoy that either, mostly because it has the worst possible trigger pull imaginable.
mattsbox99":1z8h4csv said:
I don't like the recoil of the .380 version and a 9mm would be much worse... I have a PF9 and can't say I enjoy that either, mostly because it has the worst possible trigger pull imaginable.

To get off track a bit, the LCP has to have one of the worse triggers I have ever experienced . I think I am going to sell my last one and be done with them.
I can't stand to shoot the thing.
I personally would like to see a small, flat 9mm from Ruger.

They could just refine a Kel-Tec PF-9 (much like they did for the LCP/P3AT transformation) adding the Ruger touch & reliability, give it a better look and feel, slap their name on it and we're good to go.

The PF-9 is world's more comfortable to shoot than the LCP, but it's not what I'd call plush.

Of course, the LCP is not meant to be a range gun, or even a plinker. It best does what I used mine for yesterday. It rode around all day, virtually weightless, in the pocket of my shorts helping me feel more secure while I spent the day in Memphis.
I agree just buy a Keltec P9 at 12.8 ounces you will not want to shoot a lighter 9mm.
very accurate and with a little practice you can double or triple tap into a small target much faster than you will believe. actually the Keltec needs no refinement.
Totally reliable.
Buffalo Bore ran tests on the LCP says it will handle the 110 grain hardcast (1125 FPS) just fine. I have run 50 rounds of it through my LCP and it functions great. hurts your hand a little but it works.