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    • J
      jav replied to the thread New member from Texas.
      Welcome from crazy California
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Bottom barrel.
      No thanks
    • J
      jav reacted to Armybrat's post in the thread Older brothers with Love Love.
      Before our Mom passed away in 1992 she urged us 3 boys to continue our monthly family lunches once a month. Am pretty close with my...
    • J
      jav reacted to turd's post in the thread Older brothers with Like Like.
      I am the "older brother" by five years. Never really thought about it this way, thank you for this post Vito.
    • J
      jav reacted to Johnny-Baseball's post in the thread Older brothers with Like Like.
      I had no brothers. But I have two sons, ages 42 and 35. Every time our family all gets together, my sons are almost like conjoined...
    • J
      jav reacted to Cholo's post in the thread Personal picture thread with Like Like.
      For those who hate facial hair I have some folicals to spare. Here I am in my 5 star hotel in MS right now; you can tell by the drapes...
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Older brothers.
      I had six sisters and I am the youngest number 7 in the past 2 years I lost 4 sisters first number 4 then 3 , 2 and 1 kinda odd the way...
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Personal picture thread.
      This is me and mommy at the ball game
      • IMG_1104.jpeg
    • J
      jav posted the thread Good for Hawaii in The Lounge.
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Some EBay sellers suck….
      I have been with eBay since 2012 been having pretty good luck with them sometimes you runs across a bad seller it much
    • J
      jav reacted to edm1's post in the thread Another good American Company with Like Like.
      I wear Redwing steel toed pull on cowboy style boots everyday for work. They fit great and last. And when they get muddy I can just...
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      jav replied to the thread Another good American Company.
      These are one of my favorite boots
      • image.jpg
      • image.jpg
    • J
      jav reacted to eveled's post in the thread Another good American Company with Like Like.
      I went with American made double H brand for my “cowboy boots”. They are nicer than my sons Ariats.
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Another good American Company.
      China does make some boots for red wing
    • J
      jav replied to the thread Another good American Company.
      That my friend would be soo difficult most are made in china
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