Since the subject was raised by my other post: Current MidWest hay market is a seller's dream. Unfortunately, most sellers don't have much to sell. I usually sell 4-6 semi-loads of big round bales every year. This year I didn't have enough to make even 2 short loads. Local market is usually glutted by farmers who have more than they need and are trying to sell their excess. This year those farmers are buyers.
Hay quality is a big selling point. I have a reputation for producing #1 quality brome horse/sheep/goat hay and could have sold 5X what I had available. I'm hoping the local buyers remember me and come back next year for more.
Hay quality is a big selling point. I have a reputation for producing #1 quality brome horse/sheep/goat hay and could have sold 5X what I had available. I'm hoping the local buyers remember me and come back next year for more.