Cats are smart

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Oct 26, 2006
Woodbury, Tn
My cat comes and goes through the dryer vent, and the closet in the bathroom where the plumbing comes through the floor there. Instead of leaving the closet door open, I installed a cat door. I have to "help" him to go through it!!! When a kitten he could slide under that door to accomplish the same thing. Sheesh!

bogus bill

Dec 25, 2009
My ex wife was insane over cats, I couldn't count em. I was issued a MC jacket and the first time I wore it (and last) I stuck my arm in a sleeve and the cat had peed all inside the sleeve!
Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Mobuck said:
After seeing all the stupid stuff cats do, I must have the under achievers of the cat intelligence world.
As I approached the barn door a few days back, one of the wilder group of barn cats saw me and scooted. That goosed the rest and in their haste to run away from whatever, one ran directly into the loader bucket. BONG!!! That really spooked the bunch and in an instant there wasn't a cat in sight.
That's pure brilliance right there.

You scared 'em. :mrgreen: They must know about you.......

Rick Courtright

Mar 10, 2002
Redlands CA USA
bogus bill said:
I was issued a MC jacket and the first time I wore it (and last) I stuck my arm in a sleeve and the cat had peed all inside the sleeve!


Washing a goose down sleeping bag is quite a joy after a cat pees on it right before a multi day camping trip... ;) While it dried, the cat went to the vet and came home two kitty nuts shorter. Now he doesn't dare venture out of the box when the call comes. Guess he's afraid of what might get cut off if he should become a repeat offender?

Rick C


Aug 1, 2016
South Carolina
The wife and I are dog people but we somehow have had at least 1 cat in the house over the years. Our vet has a sign on her wall;
"Dogs have owners, cats have staff".


Aug 12, 2003
Helena, MT
There are three cats at my house. One, Harley was supposed to be my shop cat. Wifey decided it was too scary for him to stay in the shop at night (where he was perfectly happy) and now he's a house cat (inside/outside). He's arrogant, puts the hurt on neighbor dogs and cats, and averages at least a hundred mice and voles a year. His biggest trick is to catch birds and bring them into the house and turn them loose. Ever tried to catch a very alive Morning Dove in the house? The second one, Sparky, actually belongs to the neighbor down the street. We have a cat door in the garage and she started coming in the garage when she wanted. That escalated to now sleeping on our couch. The third, Cotton, is temporarily staying with us while my son is moving. She's strictly an indoor cat. Her favorite sleeping spot is on my chest while I sit in the recliner. Harley is not at all happy with the current interlopers. Cat drama 24/7.
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
Never a mourning dove, but a very grumpy blackbird. It sat very still just till I was about 5' from it then it would decide to explore another perch. After a few minutes I seriously considered the pellet rifle. Finally did grab it and turned it loose.
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
Heavy Barrel said:
Mine keeps himself clean ! :mrgreen: ll:

Like this little girl. She is no longer with us as a pit bull got her but she was Slick's BIG sister.


Mar 17, 2005
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Sarge is the mouser, but he does not have the instinct to kill. He will catch a mouse and play with it and strut around proudly with it in his mouth, but does not kill it. He just releases them and maybe they're exhausted enough for us to kill or they get away and get trapped in the traps under the stove and other places where he can't get to them.

Sarge, giving my grandfather's Marlin 1895 a CAT Scan:

Speaking of cats, Heaven has a new, fuzzy angel. We are heartbroken to have lost Sarge's sister/littermate, Daisy on the Friday after Thanksgiving. She'd been suffering some health issues, but seemed to have gotten over her diabetes, if that's possible. She'd stopped eating and then developed breathing turned out her lungs were filling with fluid and hear heart had become enlarged. We could have drained her lungs and shot her up with steroids, but it would not have improved her condition, but only prolonged her life a couple days, at best.

Holidays have been empty without her.

In her younger years, on my reloading bench, "We gonna load some bullets, Dad?":

She helped, do that, too:

And helped me when I worked at home:

As much as she helped with many things, she left the mousing duties to her brother, though I believe she did have the killer instinct if she decided one was worth her time to catch...

Sorry to hijack on a downer note...

Oct 26, 2006
Woodbury, Tn
I have a "green cat". My second wife called my first green cat a grey tabby. I don't understand. Is the grass green? Yes she would answer, but the cat that was the same color was grey? No, I am not color blind!


Oct 17, 2009
In the AZ oven (Phoenix basin)
Fox Mike said:
Slick said to tell all that he knows we are talking about him.
Slick looks almost exactly like Mutt of Mutt and Jeff, I/wee (my mother and I, in a
duplex) had. Mutt was short hair and Jeff (a brother) was long hair. Mutt was the
runt of the litter because the others would push him out of the feeding bowl.

Took almost a week to have him decide he didn't need to be aggressive at feeding
time because there was always dry food down.

They were characters, but easy to have around the house. 8)


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Aqualung,, sorry to hear about Daisy. We have had our share of losses over the years,,! Due to the deep love & affection our pets give us,, we suffer a serious loss when they pass.

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
My girls have two gray tabbies now. The female is pretty smart though she is skittish. The male is very loving although he isn't real bright. When being litter trained he would poop in the box then turn around & scratch the wall to try to cover it up.

Favorite cat I ever had I named DuBois after the character Blanche DuBois because she was a stray that decided I was her person. She would go out in our back yard & sit on top of the chain link fence while the neighbors German Weimaraner was on the other side of their yard going nuts. She would sit there while the dog ran across the yard & leapt at the fence to get her. Just before it got to her she would drop back on our side of the fence & sit there looking at the dog going nuts on the other side like, "what's your problem?".


Jan 2, 2011
Medford, OR
A few months ago we had to put down our twenty year old tabby, Guy. He was an exemplary cat, in our previous house we had the only lawn with no moles. He patrolled that half acre and kept other critters out. One he even took on a possum and chased it about a quarter mile away. He is sure missed by us, he was the loudest purring cat we've ever had. His replacement a small female tabby is working hard to take Guy's place. We have the new cat and an orange striped 4 year old male now. Odd to think that these two could outlast both me and the wife if they live anywhere near as long as Guy did.

It would feel odd to live in a house without one or more of those feline critters. There has always been one or two around since I was still crawling around (not to be comfused with that kind of action in my early twenties).

You have to be secure in yourself to have cat's they don't suck up to you like a dog will. I find it especially amusing when you give a cat a new type of food and they sniff at it then try to bury the stuff in the floor. You can't miss the meaning of that.


Dec 7, 2008
Wesley Chapel, Florida
The cat we had was one left by a person who messed up her immigration and had to return to England.
Mozart Scaramouch Lecutus Zed or as we always called him; "Mozzie Cat". He was an indoor/outdoor cat as we had provided him with a cat door. While living in the apartments he would loll outside and if some other cat tried sneaking up on him would lie still until the other cat leaped and THEN Mozzie would roll onto his back with claws OUT and all four legs going. He would follow you over to the mail boxes and back again and if you pulled into a parking place under a tree, it seemed he was always up in the tree and would drop onto the hood or roof of your vehicle. He moved to our home in the country quite easily and enjoyed life until he was about 13 or 14 when he quit eating and moved into the sink in the spare bathroom; he would sip water but no food; and then one evening he got out the door and was laying on the grassy mound of the waste system stretched out at peace. We decided to let him enjoy the outdoors, but when we went out an hour later he had disappeared. We never did find him and I hope old Mozzie cat is resting in peace wherever he went.