I recently did a poll just like this one on one of my motorcycle forums and got very similar results. Young people don't do forums, and now I have been told that younger people avoid Facebook because it is too difficult to maintain focus by reading a two sentence comment. They want to stick to Instagram where they can see a photo and no more than two or three words.
Once we reach about 50, for almost all of us we have to accept the reality that there are fewer years ahead of us compared to those already lived. I'm almost 81, and about the only thing making me not overly focused on how little time I might have left is the reality that my mother lived to just shy of 104, so that gives me some reason to hope to be around for another couple of decades.
And although there are all sorts of things that I can no longer do, or no longer do as well as I once did, I can still ride a motorcycle and do so whenever I can. More than anything else, that helps me fight off the lethargy that comes with feeling sorry for myself as a worn out old man.