Justice B. Swift
Be Inspired Jan. 18, 2025
Inspiration can come in unexpected ways and can uplift our spirits in ways we never anticipated. Sometimes even from folks we've never met. Let me explain. For a number of years I have been attending the Ruger Exhibit show in Nampa, Idaho and have enjoyed the great Ruger exhibits on display. I have also been in attendance at the Banquet dinner, often accompanied by my adult daughter and good pal Brian (A.J. Gunner). We have often discussed exhibiting, but life seems to get in the way. Last year Brian committed to a display and begged that I present a display also, but again life stood in the way. As good friends do I was asked if I would assist with construction of a booth and aid in layout and signage and details. His enthusiasm was inspiring and helping him became a learning opportunity. His exhibit was very successful and his success was further inspiring.
As this year's show appeared on the Horizon a Inspiration came in the form of our own forum member Contender speaking out. He had attended a show and found that Ruger Collector Exhibits were in short supply and he voiced here on the forum that as a group we need to walk the walk and get off our collective rear ends and stop making excuses (like "Life gets in the way") and represent our hobby. Let me just say he was, and is 100% correct. Brian had been pushing and now Contender was clearly raising the stakes. With this Inspiration I made the commitment to display in Nampa at the January 2025 show. I had been reluctant for many reasons, one of which is that I felt my "collection" was not worthy. I purchase guns I like to shoot, not rare, fancy, historically important, technically significant collectables. I was inspired to find a "work around" worthy of Exhibiting. I knew that lacking historic and technical importance I would need some "entertainment" value to pull it off. I set about hand building a back drop in the form of a cabin window, and employing a creative nature scene to entice viewers. I used a bear rug (my first bear), hand made revolver stands and other items of interest, including advertisements and Spec. sheets, to add detail. My ol' pal Brian was quick to lend help and personal items in support of my effort.
As I progressed I was further Inspired when I called Hank to verify my attendance as a displayer. He and Susie were very welcoming and supportive. I then spoke with Indaincent (Mike) who was also very encouraging.
At the Banquet following the Saturday show activities I came to realize the real reason for these gatherings. Sharing! I had been sharing stories all day long with newly made friends, and fellow collectors. Now I was Sharing dinner with a great group of friends, some new, some old. I was Inspired! As the judging was tallied and the awards ceremony commenced, I held my breath. In my Classification an exhibit with great technical importance to the development of Ruger firearms won the award, just as it should be. Had I Failed? Not by a long shot. I had succeeded in getting out there to represent our hobby. I had succeeded in making new friends. I had succeeded in bringing my daughter into the hobby and circle of hobbyists who inspire us. I had learned a great deal about why we do these events. Besides, It's a gun show! Buying, selling, Trading and looking…
On Sunday morning the promoter of the general show, Lewis Clark Traders, held a People's Choice awards ceremony on the show floor to award the displayers as the public viewed them. Of course many beautiful firearms were displayed by experienced collectors and I was excited to see the outcome among these "top dogs". Imagine my complete disbelief when my name was called as winner of the First Place Award. I can assure you that in a million years I would not have guessed it. As a matter of fact I had my own list of winners, whose displays far exceeded mine. I simply couldn't see it. In time I realized the result was based on completely different criteria. Non-collectors are less aware of production numbers, rare variants, company history and such. They just enjoy a good show. They were not disappointed. A good show it was!
I was truly Inspired by the entire experience. I was inspired by Contender's words, by Brian's pushing and assistance, by the welcoming encouragement of fellow collectors, by the fact that everyone has a place in the hobby. If you think you don't have a place at the show you have no idea how inspiring it can be. See you next year!
My display titled "Your Window Into the Super Redhawk" can be seen in the show pics(3) here on the forum. Thanks to all.
Inspiration can come in unexpected ways and can uplift our spirits in ways we never anticipated. Sometimes even from folks we've never met. Let me explain. For a number of years I have been attending the Ruger Exhibit show in Nampa, Idaho and have enjoyed the great Ruger exhibits on display. I have also been in attendance at the Banquet dinner, often accompanied by my adult daughter and good pal Brian (A.J. Gunner). We have often discussed exhibiting, but life seems to get in the way. Last year Brian committed to a display and begged that I present a display also, but again life stood in the way. As good friends do I was asked if I would assist with construction of a booth and aid in layout and signage and details. His enthusiasm was inspiring and helping him became a learning opportunity. His exhibit was very successful and his success was further inspiring.
As this year's show appeared on the Horizon a Inspiration came in the form of our own forum member Contender speaking out. He had attended a show and found that Ruger Collector Exhibits were in short supply and he voiced here on the forum that as a group we need to walk the walk and get off our collective rear ends and stop making excuses (like "Life gets in the way") and represent our hobby. Let me just say he was, and is 100% correct. Brian had been pushing and now Contender was clearly raising the stakes. With this Inspiration I made the commitment to display in Nampa at the January 2025 show. I had been reluctant for many reasons, one of which is that I felt my "collection" was not worthy. I purchase guns I like to shoot, not rare, fancy, historically important, technically significant collectables. I was inspired to find a "work around" worthy of Exhibiting. I knew that lacking historic and technical importance I would need some "entertainment" value to pull it off. I set about hand building a back drop in the form of a cabin window, and employing a creative nature scene to entice viewers. I used a bear rug (my first bear), hand made revolver stands and other items of interest, including advertisements and Spec. sheets, to add detail. My ol' pal Brian was quick to lend help and personal items in support of my effort.
As I progressed I was further Inspired when I called Hank to verify my attendance as a displayer. He and Susie were very welcoming and supportive. I then spoke with Indaincent (Mike) who was also very encouraging.
At the Banquet following the Saturday show activities I came to realize the real reason for these gatherings. Sharing! I had been sharing stories all day long with newly made friends, and fellow collectors. Now I was Sharing dinner with a great group of friends, some new, some old. I was Inspired! As the judging was tallied and the awards ceremony commenced, I held my breath. In my Classification an exhibit with great technical importance to the development of Ruger firearms won the award, just as it should be. Had I Failed? Not by a long shot. I had succeeded in getting out there to represent our hobby. I had succeeded in making new friends. I had succeeded in bringing my daughter into the hobby and circle of hobbyists who inspire us. I had learned a great deal about why we do these events. Besides, It's a gun show! Buying, selling, Trading and looking…
On Sunday morning the promoter of the general show, Lewis Clark Traders, held a People's Choice awards ceremony on the show floor to award the displayers as the public viewed them. Of course many beautiful firearms were displayed by experienced collectors and I was excited to see the outcome among these "top dogs". Imagine my complete disbelief when my name was called as winner of the First Place Award. I can assure you that in a million years I would not have guessed it. As a matter of fact I had my own list of winners, whose displays far exceeded mine. I simply couldn't see it. In time I realized the result was based on completely different criteria. Non-collectors are less aware of production numbers, rare variants, company history and such. They just enjoy a good show. They were not disappointed. A good show it was!
I was truly Inspired by the entire experience. I was inspired by Contender's words, by Brian's pushing and assistance, by the welcoming encouragement of fellow collectors, by the fact that everyone has a place in the hobby. If you think you don't have a place at the show you have no idea how inspiring it can be. See you next year!
My display titled "Your Window Into the Super Redhawk" can be seen in the show pics(3) here on the forum. Thanks to all.