Tucsonite":m0ylhsff said:
I suspect that more than a few in the RENE guide are as fake as any of the stag & ivory grips you all are picking to pieces.
my .02
Well, lets get them weeded out then! If you guys are rebluing stuff or faking stuff, or making new variations shame on you! If somebody else buys it, shame on them!!
Integrity, Integrity, Integrity. That's my point. In a few generations nobody's going to give it a second thought whether something is "right" or "wrong", and that stuff will continue to get passed on. Unless everybody starts shunning it now. Tusconite, I've got to ask you. Do you not think anybody will try to pass on some of the grips that you've made as "factory" sometime in the future? No, I'm not saying you intentionally faked anything, and you've told many of us that you've made some of the grips that you have now...but tell me somebody in a future generation isn't going to buy them because they "look right".
I knew this would be a touchy subject, but hey...do you want to put reblued guns in your collection or do you want to put guns with original blue in your collection? A reblue isn't a fake? Especially when its sold as original?
Like I said, I don't expect the market price for stag and ivory "that look right" will drop off at all. I'm positive there are stag and ivory that have been made up that look identical to the factory stuff, but I can't tell them from original...nobody can. You guys still have your opinion of this and I have mine. But this is exactly the reason this family hasn't bought any stag or ivory in the last couple decades. I like the idea of what we've bought in the past having a helluva lot better chance of being worth "at least" what we paid for it when the time comes to sell.
The employee that I've been talking to said Ruger put the medallions in at the factory and I believe him. Its the exactly the same story heard by 41 Nut decades ago, and if Ruger didn't have some sort of consistency in their manufacturing methods, you'd probably see cylinder flutes located anywhere on a cylinder, except where they're supposed to be. Consistency wasn't invented by Bill Ruger, its been around for 200 years when Eli Whitney came up with it. Why would Ruger's stag and ivory grips be made any different? How many XR3 walnut panels do you see with medallions located all over the place? How about Super Blackhawk panels? Doesn't this say anything about the way things are manufactured? Doesn't it make sense that a manufacturer would be more efficient by producing things in a consistent manner, so they can make more $? I wonder what WBR's reaction would have been if he saw somebody at the workbench creating a piece of work without a jig? At $16 a pair retail for ivory, can you imagine how many pair would have been ruined because an employee didn't have consistency in drilling those medallion and stem holes, and the counterbore on back? You know if its not done perfectly, and you dont' have a just slightly more narrow thickness between the rear face of the medallion and the stem staking, you'll get a cracked grip every time when that medallion is staked. How do you suppose WBR felt about waste around the plant? No, I don't think the company would have had just anybody drilling those holes wherever they pleased. And sorry, this novel idea of consistency didn't just get forgotten when Ruger got in a pile of stag and ivory grip panels.
Some of you guys don't want to listen to facts from the people who are "most" in the know like the employees who made them, that's fine. I'm only reporting my findings, and hope everybody can find use for those findings to hopefully "not get sucked in".
And if somebody can come up with some documents saying these medallions were put in at the supplier, then I guess I'll take my lumps and be more careful next time to not put so much trust in a real live breathing employee who was there when they were made, not just any employee, but an employee who was at Ruger to make processes easier and streamlined...one of Rugers finest designers.
My comments may seem to read like I am really P.O'd about this subject, but really I'm not. Its ultimately up to you guys to know the difference in what's right or whats wrong anyway.