Was Jesus a human being?

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Apr 29, 2022
W. Georgia
The OP asked some good, valid questions! In their totality, some good answers were provided.

Something called the Nicene Creed lays out the facts you seek. I'm guessing you never attended Sundays school or confirmation in a mainstream Christian Church ? They cover your questions pretty well.
Not everyone buys into the nicene creed. We see it as the beginning of the apostasy that lead to the catholic church.

A better place for the op to explore and expand his knowledge of matters of faith and Christianity beyond the Bible, I suggest apologeticspress.org
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
I've always been curious as to why there is no, or almost no mention of the years between Jesus' birth and his coming to Jerusalem at about age 32. Certainly a child born under miraculous circumstances, with angels appearing and singing, and wise men being drawn to the event by a star in the East would then be treated as at least very special every day thereafter. I find it hard to imagine everyone being exultant at the birth, and then essentially ignoring the child and going back to their normal lives. And for that child to grow up to be a carpenter just doesn't make sense. But then again, I am not a believer and see things from more of a reality and historical perspective. No offense intended to anyone.


Aug 10, 2016
I've always been curious as to why there is no, or almost no mention of the years between Jesus' birth and his coming to Jerusalem at about age 32. Certainly a child born under miraculous circumstances, with angels appearing and singing, and wise men being drawn to the event by a star in the East would then be treated as at least very special every day thereafter. I find it hard to imagine everyone being exultant at the birth, and then essentially ignoring the child and going back to their normal lives. And for that child to grow up to be a carpenter just doesn't make sense. But then again, I am not a believer and see things from more of a reality and historical perspective. No offense intended to anyone.
No offense taken, so get a King James Bible read it and answer your own questions because the bible is a history book.

You will find that it is explains Jesus did come to Jerusalem before he was 32 and not as many people knew about his birth as you think.

I am sure you Flew to Vietnam on an airplane, so read the Bible with the same faith you had in pilot and the plane that got you there and back. :)
Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Keep in mind that the King James version of the Bible was 'rewritten' to suit the king's agenda.
True, but then the bible was originally assembled as one book by a roman emperor. Most believe that the bible is a prime example of man doing God's work on earth under His influence. Much the same as the spreading of Christianity by the Apostles.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
OK, I thought I was done, but apparently not. About the miraculous birth..from what I know, Mary and Joseph were married weren't they? At that time where was the proof that Jesus was not just Joseph's son? Where was the proof of the miracle birth? Who said it was a miracle? Who's word was it that we are supposed to believe? Did Mary and Joseph never have marital sex? Did Mary actually carry the baby for a full nine months? Exactly what was it about the baby that led people to believe he was the son of God?

What differed about this birth from any other birth? Now I'm finding it hard to believe again.
Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
OK, I thought I was done, but apparently not. About the miraculous birth..from what I know, Mary and Joseph were married weren't they? At that time where was the proof that Jesus was not just Joseph's son? Where was the proof of the miracle birth? Who said it was a miracle? Who's word was it that we are supposed to believe? Did Mary and Joseph never have marital sex? Did Mary actually carry the baby for a full nine months? Exactly what was it about the baby that led people to believe he was the son of God?

What differed about this birth from any other birth? Now I'm finding it hard to believe again.
I think it was St. Augustine that said, "Seek not to understand that you may believe, but to believe that you may understand". That's not a direct quote, I used the quote marks liberally. I think it says ye, not you.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
The Bible, as I see it, tells you everything you need to know but does not answer every question you might have.
It's not a stupid question. I just want to know who said it was a miracle and where did they get that info. How did they know that the child was any different than any other baby?

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
It's not a stupid question. I just want to know who said it was a miracle and where did they get that info. How did they know that the child was any different than any other baby?
Angels. One appeared to Mary before Jesus was conceived. One appeared to Joseph telling him to go ahead & marry her. She had not been unfaithful to their engagement.

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
I've always been curious as to why there is no, or almost no mention of the years between Jesus' birth and his coming to Jerusalem at about age 32. Certainly a child born under miraculous circumstances, with angels appearing and singing, and wise men being drawn to the event by a star in the East would then be treated as at least very special every day thereafter. I find it hard to imagine everyone being exultant at the birth, and then essentially ignoring the child and going back to their normal lives. And for that child to grow up to be a carpenter just doesn't make sense. But then again, I am not a believer and see things from more of a reality and historical perspective. No offense intended to anyone.
While I have not read them I remember reading something that said there were stories of his early life in some of the books of the Apochryphal books.


Mar 22, 2006
Deep in the Arkansas woods
OK, I thought I was done, but apparently not. About the miraculous birth..from what I know, Mary and Joseph were married weren't they? At that time where was the proof that Jesus was not just Joseph's son? Where was the proof of the miracle birth? Who said it was a miracle? Who's word was it that we are supposed to believe? Did Mary and Joseph never have marital sex? Did Mary actually carry the baby for a full nine months? Exactly what was it about the baby that led people to believe he was the son of God?

What differed about this birth from any other birth? Now I'm finding it hard to believe again.
They did not have sex and were not married until after Jesus was born. The birth almost drove them apart until God revealed to Joseph that Jesus was the Son of God. Believe or not believe is a choice YOU will have to make. What convinced me that Jesus was the Son of God was St. Paul who hunted down Christians and held the cloths of those who stoned St. Stephen to death would later become the greatest apostle and spread Christianity throughout the known world. Read what happened to him on the road to Damascus.
Also read Isiah Chapter 53 that details the passion of Jesus in detail hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.
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Sep 29, 2015
Southport, NC
If I might suggest reading a bit on Pascals wager before reading the Bible or any religious books. Pascals wager is a theory that people wager their lives with God and Jesus that he exists. I for one really fear eternal damnation so I am 100% on board with Jesus (I may not be the best Christian but I try).


Mar 19, 2017
Central Kansas
Wow, so much misinformation in this thread, not even certain where to start.

The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1600 years by 40 different men authors under the inspiration of God himself in three different languages, the bible uses the term "God breathed" to describe the delivery of the word from God to certain men. Yet, to this day, it is the most read book and people want to find contradictions with it but cannot. There were prophesies written 700 years prior to Jesus virgin birth and his crucifixion. People attempt to prove inaccuracy both spiritually and historically but they never hold up, the Bible always speaks for itself. It is simply truth beyond doubt. But also remember what the Bible says that the Bible is "foolishness" to those who do not believer and are governed by the flesh and not faith.

The Bible is very clear and was accepted by the Hebrews who were in charge of caring for all the copies of the original manuscripts. As the Roman empire spread to the east, those writings were translated to Greek which was the dominate language of that area. This was around 200 BC. Later it was translated in Latin which was the dominate language of Rome. The Catholic Bible does have some extra books in the Old Testament only that are called the Apocrypha which means "secret or hidden" They were acknowledged by the Hebrews who translated the books as being extra writings but in the course of translation, they translated everything they had and the early Church adopted them. Then the great reformers of the 16th Century said no, the Apocrypha books were not part of the original text and therefore do not appear in protestant Bibles. Also look up LXX which were the 70 or 72 Hebrew authors who did the translation work.

The Bible, in its original Koine Greek is literally the word of God breathed to man so he (man) would know about a perfect and loving God who cannot be present nor look upon sin. He is Holy and Just and we have no right standing on our own before Him aside from the sacrifice of His son. The Bible tells us of who God is and who man is. We are sinful creatures lost and doomed without His action on our part. I understand that many on here will say the Bible is a bunch of fairy tales and poems and some history. The reality is that it contains truth many are not willing to accept and this is God's revealed truth and we need nothing more. Man has tried to find fault with the Bible over the years but it still makes a powerful difference in the lives of many, including me, how is that possible? Where is the conflicting evidence?
Oct 20, 2022
I have been a believer my whole life. But this makes me no expert- far from it. What I'm about to say is what I have found helpful, so I'm not saying this is how everyone should feel. Before the fall, Adam and Eve had faith and belief- there was no desire for anything else. But after the fall, mankind was introduced to the knowledge of good and evil. In other words, the introduction of this knowledge, or evil, gave our minds a questioning nature- desiring proof rather than having faith. Evil wants us to question, to require proof, before believing. Evil uses this as a way to draw us away from God. Evil wants us to rely on our own knowledge instead of purely relying on faith in God's Grace, Mercy, and Love.

I know the Bible is the inspired word of God. Jesus states that we should have "faith like a child". What does this mean to me? A child will accept- believe what he is told without requiring proof. Are there things in the Bible that my mind has a hard time understanding? Yes, there are. Will my mind try and introduce doubt if I let it? Yes it will, inherent evil present in all people will try its hardest to get me to doubt. So- this is where I let my Faith guide me. Like a child. I don't need all the answers- I don't think as a human we are actually able to comprehend all the truths- so I believe…like a child.
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
The King James Bible is written on a 7 grade level, so I am sure that it was intended by God for people like me to use.

Your mileage may very. :)
Not my point. It was said to "read the King James" version. Why? Is it more accurate than the Geneva Bible or the one Martin Luther changed or what was written before all the different changes were made?