Trausch makes superb grips-it's unfortunate that they have relatively low visibility here in the US. Jacques Trausch is a true gentleman and a pleasure to deal with. Relatively recently (and discussed in depth here on the forum) I used one of his TJ84R grips (designed for the round-butted Speed/Service Six models) on my square-butt Security Six-Jacques modified a set for me, and based on my experiences and suggestions, modified a second, improved set which will remain on my Security Six-for carry and IDPA/steel plate competion. They are simply superb grips, both ergonomically and in terms of recoil dissipation. I recommend them highly-and now that Ruger has made the apparent choice to go the Hogue grip route on their double-action revolvers, hopefully Trausch will also provide us with a set of their excellent grips as an option-they'd be superb for the GP100 series in particular, in my opinion.
Best, Jon