Best grips for ccw?

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May 2, 2023
NE Ohio
As you guys already know I have a Speed Six coming my way that I intend to carry. I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on which grips would be best for concealed carry?
My speed six is coming with the factory rubber grips with finger grooves, I believe they're made by Sile. I want to try those first and if they work out I'll be absolutely thrilled. At first I thought they were Pachmayr Grippers but then I saw a Speed Six with Grippers on and the factory grips are alot smaller.
If the factory rubber grips don't work out I have a couple other options in mind. I'm thinking either the Pachmayr Compac or the Compac Professional. The only difference between the two is the Professional doesn't cover the back strap.
I want to find a good balance between shootability and concealment. I know I'm going to get suggestions to go with factory or some other type of wood grips, I'm not closed off to that idea but would prefer rubber grips. The factory wood grips that were on my lowback Security Six beat my hand up good when shooting 357.
I'm really hoping the factory rubber grips work out for me but so far the only other option I've found is the Compac grips.
Factory wood grips with a Tgrip or BK grip adapter might be an option too but I've never used the Tgrip and I'm not sure how much it would help.
So what do you guys got for me? I'm open to ideas. Holster selection could play a role in which grips conceal better but I like the holster I have currently. I bought an Azula leather holster for a different snubby I had a while back and come to find out it's the same holster they sell for the Six series and K frames. It fits my Security Six perfect only it has about 2 inches of barrel hanging out. I think it's going to be perfect for the Speed Six but I'm willing to try a different holster if it means being able to use better grips. Maybe something with adjustable cant?
You don't want to hear it, but factory wood is my choice. The most comfortable, and the easiest to conceal.

Next, if synthetic is your preference, any or all would work. I have found however, the Cadillac Bumper Bullet material used in grips, grab my clothing and cause a horrible print or don't allow shirts to hang as intended.

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Yeah, rubber be my LAST resort. They may stick to clothes or holster while trying to draw the weapon. May print too depending on how / where you carry the gun.

Put rubber on it when you go to the range. If you're using the gun in a self defense scenario recoil will be the last thing on your mind. Hell, you may not even remember how many times you pull the trigger.

I CCW a LCR and put Ruger's rubber BOOT grips on it but they're smooth, not tacky/stickey.

I have Tylers on all the Six Series guns I shoot. But your shooting style and grip and wants or needs may be different.
You don't want to hear it, but factory wood is my choice. The most comfortable, and the easiest to conceal.

Next, if synthetic is your preference, any or all would work. I have found however, the Cadillac Bumper Bullet material used in grips, grab my clothing and cause a horrible print or don't allow shirts to hang as intended.
I might grab a pair of wood stocks on ebay just incase. I had the EAA Windicator and it only has rubber grips but for some reason I had no issue concealing that one.
I don't know what it is maybe it's just how I shoot revolvers but I could never get comfortable shooting with wood grips. I really tried too, even just shooting 38s was hit or miss. If I place the grip in a certain spot I get more control but then I can't get enough finger on the trigger.
Yeah, rubber be my LAST resort. They may stick to clothes or holster while trying to draw the weapon. May print too depending on how / where you carry the gun.

Put rubber on it when you go to the range. If you're using the gun in a self defense scenario recoil will be the last thing on your mind. Hell, you may not even remember how many times you pull the trigger.

I CCW a LCR and put Ruger's rubber BOOT grips on it but they're smooth, not tacky/stickey.

I have Tylers on all the Six Series guns I shoot. But your shooting style and grip and wants or needs may be different.
I carry appendix which is really the only way that's ever worked out for me. I can carry my LCP at 4 but anything bigger and I look like I have a twin growing out of me like the guy on Total Recall 🤣.
Maybe it is the way I shoot revolvers I dont know. When I got my first revolver I put everything I knew about shooting semi autos to the side and started working on revolver technique. I really tried to copy Jerry Miculek as much as possible, grip high on the frame and thumbs crossed. Maybe I need to try some different things but that technique has pretty much worked for me.
It's like I was telling Wayno, if I place the grip in a certain spot I have more control with wood grips but then I don't have enough finger on the trigger.
I think I might take the Security Six to the range with the original grips and work on technique, try out some new things. I won't have my Speed Six for another week or two yet.
I get all this...
What works best for me may not work for others. All the more reason you have to discover and use what works best for you.(y)
Those are the exact Pachmayrs I was thinking about. I wonder if pro version saves space since it doesn't cover the backstrap? Although the Compac is pretty small in its own right.
"What works best for me may not work for others. All the more reason you have to discover and use what works best for you"

No matter what I have, or what every other person has,, only YOU and YOUR hands, and how YOU carry matters. No "one size fits all."
As an instructor,, and since a firearm is to be carried for the (gosh forbid) SD event,, you must have a gun that fits YOU and YOUR hands and what YOU shoot well. So I'd pick a set of grips that fit YOU first. Then,, look at ways to carry CCW based upon how you plan to carry, & the methods or equipment you may need.

BTW; I can easily carry a full sized 1911 A1 concealed.
I have a pair of the Sile rubber grips for a S&W and they are great. Nice palm swell. Try them before you swap them out.
"What works best for me may not work for others. All the more reason you have to discover and use what works best for you"

No matter what I have, or what every other person has,, only YOU and YOUR hands, and how YOU carry matters. No "one size fits all."
As an instructor,, and since a firearm is to be carried for the (gosh forbid) SD event,, you must have a gun that fits YOU and YOUR hands and what YOU shoot well. So I'd pick a set of grips that fit YOU first.
I might just have to look into better or different holsters. I'm sure the factory rubber grips will probably be just about perfect for me, I love the Pachmayr Grippers and the ones coming with the gun are pretty close.
I wish I could carry a bigger gun and get away with it, I've even went as far as buying clothes a couple sizes up and so far it hasn't worked.
Perhaps it's time to get some Hawaiian shirts for this summer 🤣 🤣 🤣.
I have a pair of the Sile rubber grips for a S&W and they are great. Nice palm swell. Try them before you swap them out.
Oh I definitely plan on trying em out, I'm just trying to come up with a plan b incase they don't work out. The ones that are on gun are very close to the Pachmayr Grippers which are my favorite so I'm really hoping they do work out for me.
Ruger redesigned the Lowback grip frame because of complaints about it being uncomfortable for use with .357 magnum loads. The more modern frame shape is, to me, much more useable with wood grips. YMMV.

Everybody has different hand shape and strength and what works best for one person may be uncomfortable for another.
If you want a really weird option I have a set of Traush grips for a speed six somewhere. Most comfortable grip ever made for me anyway and the rubber is more plasticky. They are like brand new from when he was trying to break into the US market. His death kinda ended all that.
I tried to like the stock panels with a Tyler T grip but just couldn't

So I kept the factory rubber grips and have been very happy with them.

In all fairness, I wear a xxl/xxxl size glove
If you want a really weird option I have a set of Traush grips for a speed six somewhere. Most comfortable grip ever made for me anyway and the rubber is more plasticky. They are like brand new from when he was trying to break into the US market. His death kinda ended all that.
I've seen the Traush grips on SP101s before, definitely odd. I might have to take you up on that if all else fails. I really think the factory rubber or the Pachmayr Compacs are going work out though.
I tried to like the stock panels with a Tyler T grip but just couldn't

So I kept the factory rubber grips and have been very happy with them.

In all fairness, I wear a xxl/xxxl size glove
Yeah I have pretty big hands myself, not 2x but definitely 1x. I'm hoping the factory rubber grips work out, I might just have to look into some different holsters.
I had Trausch on an SP101. My problem using them for concealed carry is they were very sticky so hung onto clothing on the draw.