As you guys already know I have a Speed Six coming my way that I intend to carry. I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on which grips would be best for concealed carry?
My speed six is coming with the factory rubber grips with finger grooves, I believe they're made by Sile. I want to try those first and if they work out I'll be absolutely thrilled. At first I thought they were Pachmayr Grippers but then I saw a Speed Six with Grippers on and the factory grips are alot smaller.
If the factory rubber grips don't work out I have a couple other options in mind. I'm thinking either the Pachmayr Compac or the Compac Professional. The only difference between the two is the Professional doesn't cover the back strap.
I want to find a good balance between shootability and concealment. I know I'm going to get suggestions to go with factory or some other type of wood grips, I'm not closed off to that idea but would prefer rubber grips. The factory wood grips that were on my lowback Security Six beat my hand up good when shooting 357.
I'm really hoping the factory rubber grips work out for me but so far the only other option I've found is the Compac grips.
Factory wood grips with a Tgrip or BK grip adapter might be an option too but I've never used the Tgrip and I'm not sure how much it would help.
So what do you guys got for me? I'm open to ideas. Holster selection could play a role in which grips conceal better but I like the holster I have currently. I bought an Azula leather holster for a different snubby I had a while back and come to find out it's the same holster they sell for the Six series and K frames. It fits my Security Six perfect only it has about 2 inches of barrel hanging out. I think it's going to be perfect for the Speed Six but I'm willing to try a different holster if it means being able to use better grips. Maybe something with adjustable cant?
My speed six is coming with the factory rubber grips with finger grooves, I believe they're made by Sile. I want to try those first and if they work out I'll be absolutely thrilled. At first I thought they were Pachmayr Grippers but then I saw a Speed Six with Grippers on and the factory grips are alot smaller.
If the factory rubber grips don't work out I have a couple other options in mind. I'm thinking either the Pachmayr Compac or the Compac Professional. The only difference between the two is the Professional doesn't cover the back strap.
I want to find a good balance between shootability and concealment. I know I'm going to get suggestions to go with factory or some other type of wood grips, I'm not closed off to that idea but would prefer rubber grips. The factory wood grips that were on my lowback Security Six beat my hand up good when shooting 357.
I'm really hoping the factory rubber grips work out for me but so far the only other option I've found is the Compac grips.
Factory wood grips with a Tgrip or BK grip adapter might be an option too but I've never used the Tgrip and I'm not sure how much it would help.
So what do you guys got for me? I'm open to ideas. Holster selection could play a role in which grips conceal better but I like the holster I have currently. I bought an Azula leather holster for a different snubby I had a while back and come to find out it's the same holster they sell for the Six series and K frames. It fits my Security Six perfect only it has about 2 inches of barrel hanging out. I think it's going to be perfect for the Speed Six but I'm willing to try a different holster if it means being able to use better grips. Maybe something with adjustable cant?