Transfer fees

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May 22, 2016
I just bought a Super Wrangler on GunBroker. I'll be looking for wooden grips for it and the Chiapet (Chiappa SAA clone mentioned earlier) may be looking for a new home. However, that's not the subject here.

The guy I use only charges $25 for a transfer and that includes the PICS (Pa. Instant Check System) check, the state charges $2 for a check. I view that as very reasonable. Thirty years ago, I charged $20 and no one complained.

One local guy charges $100 for handguns or long guns. Another charges $50. The local gun shop charges $40. One charges $5 for the PICS check even though the state only charges $2.

I can't imagine that the guy who charges $100 or even $50 gets much business. Maybe they just want an excuse to keep their FFLs.
Background checks in CO cost $12.50 I think, and most places charge anywhere from $25-$50 on top of that for each gun, even if they go on the same form. It's their business, their liability, they can charge what they want, depending on how badly they want to do it at all. FFLs I talk to around here are terrified of the ATF inspectors making up or 'interpreting' stuff, or making a big deal about minor clerical errors even when it's clear that they are really trying hard to stay compliant. One agent tells them one thing, they do it, the next agent tells them that's wrong, do it this way, and so on. None of them will ever admit they are wrong or don't know. I think that is by design.
". FFLs I talk to around here are terrified of the ATF inspectors making up or 'interpreting' stuff, or making a big deal about minor clerical errors even when it's clear that they are really trying hard to stay compliant. One agent tells them one thing, they do it, the next agent tells them that's wrong, do it this way, and so on. None of them will ever admit they are wrong or don't know. I think that is by design."

This is a reason one of my best friends went out of business. After two years in a row of the ATF tying his books up and almost closing the shop down he just quit on his own. He didn't wanna go to jail. On the other hand I found another FFL that charges me $20 For the paperwork on a transfer. Since there is no NCIS check fees and I have a CCW all I do is the paperwork and walk out the door.
One thing is likely... They don't get much return business, and for sure they wouldn't get ANY from me.
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Fl. has a 5.00 BGC that goes to St. Police. FFL I use charges 25.00. If you have a CWP you walk out the door after you pass BGC if no CWP it is a 3 day wait.
The State gets $10.00 for their check and the FFL I use only charged me $10.00 for a rifle transfer. Haven't transferred a handgun though. I am stopping there today so I will ask.
Is this the background chrck when you fill out the 4473 and then they phone it in?

I don't think there is any fee in Texas. But the FFL's do charge transfer fees, usually around $25. But some I think charge $40. And some totally refuse, they've told me they just don't want the hassle, which I can understand.
$20 is the most common charge for anything requiring a 4473 in north MO. Some are listed as charging more but I'm doubtful they get much business. The FFL I use has his license on file with GB and is a Silencer Shop participating dealer so this covers the majority of my transfer needs.
;) Just an FYI on GB listed FFL's: contact them before you have a purchase sent there. I called 3 FFL's closer than the one I regularly use and NONE were still actually receiving or transfering.
Kevin, Yes, when they call it in or do it by computer they are doing the FBI NICS (National Instant Check System) for the background check (BGC)

Many times a transfer fee is dependent on the state laws. Here in PA, an FFL MUST use the PA system, which is tied into and uses the NICS but PA laws state that the PA State Police can do a more thorough background check to include mental health records and other things that the Feds (NICS), by law, cannot do. As as FFL in PA, I cannot even get signed up with the FBI to run NICS checks (which are no cost) other than for suppressors because PA does not require a background check to buy a suppressor (that's one thing they did right). The PA fees for doing the BCG is $2.00 for a non-sales taxable transfer (on line or private sale), they add another $3.00 if the transfer is a sales taxable transfer (for a sale from the FFLs inventory). I charge $30 for the BCG and doing the required paperwork and I'm the cheapest around (as far as I know) and I do and average of 25 per month. But I'm a one man operation and I'm not a stocking dealer so I don't count on my sales/repairs/transfers to make a living, just to supplement my retirement (to buy Rugers and go to ROCS gun shows :) )

Those that charge a lot more have their reasons and they can do as they please, but as my daughter (who is in the retail business) says - why not charge less, that would get more people into the business and then you sell them other firearm related stuff which has a huge mark up. When they are doing the paperwork, you ask if they need ammo, holster, carrying case, hunting clothes, whatever. You make a lot more on the accessories.
They charge $20 to $25 around here. Unless of course you've bought something on line the local guy already stocks and sells or has access to. Then it's $60 - $75.
My FFL is a rifle smith, he builds custom bolt actions. No store front, no brick overhead. He charges $15 per session, regardless of qty. I throw him a 20 each time, just because....

If I need to ship a handgun, he gives me a copy of his FFL to put in the box so I can use USPS. FREE

Solid dude, need more like him.
All of the above discussion is why I
buy at Local Businesses.

There is no reason that it is so important
that I need to by a Gun online.

With Online Gun prices outrageous, all the
associated fees, shill biding going on ( you
know it does but no way to prove it)
I don't need a Gun that bad from there.

I am very fortunate and live in close proximity
to good retailers. To each their own.
The bigger stores around here from what I understand are charging $100. Obviously that's because they'd rather you buy it from them.
All I'm going to say is, you're much better off buying it from somebody local. If you insist on buying something online, then you're going to have to pay whatever fees they want you to pay.
Being a small business is not cheap.
The bigger stores around here from what I understand are charging $100. Obviously that's because they'd rather you buy it from them.
All I'm going to say is, you're much better off buying it from somebody local. If you insist on buying something online, then you're going to have to pay whatever fees they want you to pay.
Being a small business is not cheap.

I agree that buying locally and supporting local business should be considered and this is my preferred way to buy. Not only because I like to support local FFL's but because I like to handle and inspect things in person because some things cannot or are not revealed online.

That said there are way too many selections across the country that a local dealer cannot hope to stock because it may be a used sample, rare limited edition, or one that only stocking dealers have access to. In this case, a local dealer rather than bilking someone for a high transfer fee which created ill will, would be better off not accepting transfers at all.

As another example of ill will, way back a local gun range would only allow ammo bought at their range to be used there. To be fair, many customers would come in with their sacks marked with Walmart rubbing it in the face of the store owner how much cheaper they got it for. A pretty stupid tack that led to everyone being unhappy.

Once the "buy it here" ammo policy went into effect they actually told you to leave the brass from the ammo you bought at their store on the deck! I have to say once the word got around they were very lonely day after day with an empty store and eventually wound up selling the range.

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