Security Six

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Aug 22, 2009
One 357 mag revolver I'd pick over any for my own use …
I use the Service Six as my regular work around the place gun. The fixed sights do well for that. The 6" Security Six makes a fine hunter. The Speed Six rides in the truck.

The Missus has claimed the 4" Security Six Stainless, so I guess I will have to get a blue one now so it's easier to tell them apart.

Finest double action Ruger ever made.
The last Security Six I saw for sale was years ago, when the gun store/range on the corner of my street went out of business. A rental gun, and It looked like someone had "cleaned" it up with a drill motor and wire brush. 😟 Maybe I was dumb, but I passed on that one in a hurry. Maybe one day, I'll find one that will follow me home.
I have 4 Security Sixes (2 x 2.75" lowbacks, a 4" stainless and a 6" stainless) and a stainless 2.75" Speed Six. All are .357 magnums and all are staying with me until I go in the dirt. I have to agree with what others have said, maybe one of the best DA revolvers ever made and that Ruger should have never quit making them.
You won't be sorry on that purchase and your grand kids will thank you.
Yep,, the Security-Six is a very, very good, solid, dependable handgun. My first one was the heavy barreled model in 4". Sadly,, it got stolen,, but I replaced it. I also have a Speed-Six in 9mm. Excellent guns for sure.
I have owned, and sold, several SS6's over the years. I would have friends that "want a handgun" and I usually had a SS6 available. It was my first DA Revolver and I could never think of a better choice to recommend. Finally sold my last one and went several years without a replacement. At a gun show a couple years ago I found a pre-warning SS Security Six in the box in like new condition and I had to have it. I don't think I am going to let go of this one. I really like the smooth target grips that were available on the later guns. Fit my hand like they were custom made.

Yep,, the Security-Six is a very, very good, solid, dependable handgun. My first one was the heavy barreled model in 4". Sadly,, it got stolen,, but I replaced it. I also have a Speed-Six in 9mm. Excellent guns for sure.
You probably shouldn't have mentioned the 9mm...I'll be trying my hardest to talk you out of it probably until the end of time 🤣
Sure you're not interested in my stainless low back? The 9mm speed six is one of 3 guns I'd let my low back go for. The others are the USPS 3 inch and of course a Colt Python. I'd consider a snubby Security Six too but I'd really have to think about that one.
I bought a few of the ones Buds had as Australian police trade-in. They all looked like they'd been drug through gravel. Clean up, sand smooth, and scotchbrite. Good as new except for one. It needed tightened up, so I know it had more than a few heavy loads through it, but a couple of hours work and it's now my most carried gun.
"Who said sell? I was thinking something more along the lines of a trade."

Sell? Trade? It doesn't matter either way! I don't get rid of any of them unless there are VERY extenuating circumstances.

A six-inch SS was my first handgun back in the 80s. I had a buddy who hounded me for that gun for years. His wife could outshoot both of us with it. I finally sold it to him on the condition that he sell it back for the same price if he ever got tired of it. Of course, they got a divorce and she got possession of my gun. :cry::poop:
"Who said sell? I was thinking something more along the lines of a trade."

Sell? Trade? It doesn't matter either way! I don't get rid of any of them unless there are VERY extenuating circumstances.

I didn't say I'd be successful I said I'll be trying to talk you out of it. But I'm sure I'll eventually come across something that's worth it, I know how much you love the Max! It's like Ted DiBiase used to say, everyone has a price 🤣
I have that exact same one in the #1 post, and will never let it go, but I also have a GP100 that's very similar that I also will not let go and a RedHawk that's in the same, although in 44.
The story I heard was that Ruger didn't make any money on the Six series guns. The manufacturing costs were close enough to dealer cost that the price point didn't make sense for them.
Yup, Bill Ruger made them to compete with S&W for LE contracts but was late to the party since LE soon shifted to semi autos. He offered the Six Series at a lower cost than S&W in an attempt to break into the LE market. Personally, I think the Six Series may be the finest double action revolvers Ruger ever made.

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