I guess they're trying to make up those lost profits nowYup, Bill Ruger made them to compete with S&W for LE contracts but was late to the party since LE soon shifted to semi autos. He offered the Six Series at a lower cost than S&W in an attempt to break into the LE market. Personally, I think the Six Series may be the finest double action revolvers Ruger ever made.

It's just crazy that Taurus can offer basic models for much less than Ruger or S&W. I know Taurus is far from being Ruger but you'd think Ruger would want to take some sales from both companies and meet in the middle. Plus Taurus has really stepped their game up in the last few years. Even the basic J frames (642,442,637) cost less than the LCR. I just don't know what Ruger is thinking these days. If the LCR is supposed to be the revolver equivalent of the LCP/LC9 pistols it shouldn't cost over twice as much. Add a few models with integral front sights like they did the EC9s maybe.
I just feel like some of these companies are taking advantage of pandemic pricing on revolvers when the price of ammo and semi autos has dropped. Once I'm in the $800 range I'd rather save a little more and buy a Colt. There's a reason my Rugers are Six series and not GPs or SPs. As much as I'd love a new GP or SP I'd rather wait for a good used deal or even buy something cheaper until I found one. I've had cheap revolvers that were actually good, my EAA Windicator and Rock Island 206 were really good for being sub-$300 revolvers. I actually miss the EAA (traded towards my Security Six), I liked the 206 and would've kept it had been 357 instead of 38 only.
Sorry I know I went on a rant there, I just don't think Bill Ruger would be ok with his guns not being in the price range of the everyday working man. I understand inflation and I don't expect to get a GP100 for the price of a Taurus but come on, basic models shouldn't be nearly the price of a new Colt. Now if we're talking rare models or a high end model sure it's worth paying a premium.