Security Six

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Yup, Bill Ruger made them to compete with S&W for LE contracts but was late to the party since LE soon shifted to semi autos. He offered the Six Series at a lower cost than S&W in an attempt to break into the LE market. Personally, I think the Six Series may be the finest double action revolvers Ruger ever made.
I guess they're trying to make up those lost profits now 🤣 the pandemic and panic buying is over yet a new LCR runs $650+, SP101 $700+ GP100, $750-800+. I'd rather wait for a used Six or even a used SP or GP. I found a 38+p LCR used for $350 not too long ago. Too bad it wasn't the 357 LCR I really want a small 357 for summer carry.

It's just crazy that Taurus can offer basic models for much less than Ruger or S&W. I know Taurus is far from being Ruger but you'd think Ruger would want to take some sales from both companies and meet in the middle. Plus Taurus has really stepped their game up in the last few years. Even the basic J frames (642,442,637) cost less than the LCR. I just don't know what Ruger is thinking these days. If the LCR is supposed to be the revolver equivalent of the LCP/LC9 pistols it shouldn't cost over twice as much. Add a few models with integral front sights like they did the EC9s maybe.

I just feel like some of these companies are taking advantage of pandemic pricing on revolvers when the price of ammo and semi autos has dropped. Once I'm in the $800 range I'd rather save a little more and buy a Colt. There's a reason my Rugers are Six series and not GPs or SPs. As much as I'd love a new GP or SP I'd rather wait for a good used deal or even buy something cheaper until I found one. I've had cheap revolvers that were actually good, my EAA Windicator and Rock Island 206 were really good for being sub-$300 revolvers. I actually miss the EAA (traded towards my Security Six), I liked the 206 and would've kept it had been 357 instead of 38 only.

Sorry I know I went on a rant there, I just don't think Bill Ruger would be ok with his guns not being in the price range of the everyday working man. I understand inflation and I don't expect to get a GP100 for the price of a Taurus but come on, basic models shouldn't be nearly the price of a new Colt. Now if we're talking rare models or a high end model sure it's worth paying a premium.
I guess they're trying to make up those lost profits now 🤣 the pandemic and panic buying is over yet a new LCR runs $650+, SP101 $700+ GP100, $750-800+. I'd rather wait for a used Six or even a used SP or GP. I found a 38+p LCR used for $350 not too long ago. Too bad it wasn't the 357 LCR I really want a small 357 for summer carry.
i wouldn't buy a new GP100 or SP101 at the prices I see now. I've never been afraid of buying used current production Ruger double action revolvers. I think the odds of having to send a NIB Ruger revolver vs used are about the same these days. Ruger built their business on building a rugged, reliable revolver at a lower price. Now, not so much as far as pricing for new.
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I guess they're trying to make up those lost profits now 🤣 the pandemic and panic buying is over yet a new LCR runs $650+, SP101 $700+ GP100, $750-800+. I'd rather wait for a used Six or even a used SP or GP. I found a 38+p LCR used for $350 not too long ago. Too bad it wasn't the 357 LCR I really want a small 357 for summer carry.

It's just crazy that Taurus can offer basic models for much less than Ruger or S&W. I know Taurus is far from being Ruger but you'd think Ruger would want to take some sales from both companies and meet in the middle.
You forgot the gold plated Single Six they sell know. That was the first pistol I bought as a young broke mechanic.
You forgot the gold plated Single Six they sell know. That was the first pistol I bought as a young broke mechanic.
To be honest I'm not really on the up and up with the single actions like I am the double actions. I wouldn't mind a nice single action but it's not on my priority list. I tend to like bigger, faster calibers in revolvers so I think that's one thing that's steered me away from the single actions. My low back Security Six beat my hand up good shooting magnums with the factory stocks. I just think I'd have a hard time being limited to a single action grip frame especially with wood stocks. I know they make rubber grips for single actions now but a single action just doesn't seem right with rubber grips to me.

Now a 22 for plinking I'm sure is a ton of fun, but I can't imagine myself being comfortable with 357 or 44 mag in a single action. With Hogues or Pachmayrs or a even a good set of wood grips on a double action I'll shoot magnums all day long. I could be wrong, I've never shot a Blackhawk in 357 or 44 so maybe there's something to it? I just know my Security Six with factory stocks was very single action like and I absolutely hated shooting it with the service stocks. Now I have target grips that are a pleasure to shoot.

I was considering a Wrangler or even a Heritage 22 for cheap plinking and introducing new shooters, but the Blackhawks and Vaqueros just haven't really made it onto my list. I might rent one at some point and who knows maybe I'll love it.
i wouldn't buy a new GP100 or SP101 at the prices I see now. I've never been afraid of buying used current production Ruger double action revolvers. I think the odds of having to send a NIB Ruger revolver vs used are about the same these days. Ruger built their business on building a rugged, reliable revolver at a lower price. Now, not so much.
I agree, even my used Six series revolvers I wasn't too afraid to buy. Especially my Security Six since I was able to thoroughly check it at the LGS I got it from. I'm still considering a used SP101 down the road too or an old style 3 inch GP100 with fixed sights.

I absolutely love Ruger so this wasn't an attack on the company, they still have some of the best CS in the business. When my EC9s went out on me they definitely made it right and then some. I do think their revolvers are over priced BUT with that being said even at new prices they're still the most durable reliable revolvers that exist IMO. I think if it weren't for S&W trying to charge Colt prices for their revolvers I highly doubt Ruger would too. It's because S&W has been able to get away with it so Ruger followed suit. All they really have to do is keep their revolvers $50-75 cheaper than S&W. The only Rugers that cost just as much or more than a competing S&W is the LCR revolvers but it depends. The basic models like the 38 +p cost more than a 642 or 442 but the 357 LCR costs much less than a Model 340 or 360. The SP101 and 357 LCR both cost less than a model 60. And wether were talking 38 or 357 the SP101 is certainly more durable than any J frame.

I just wish there was some middle ground is all, if someone wants to get a revolver they should have more options besides going cheap with Taurus or a lesser brand or spending $700 to get a good revolver. Adding integral fixed sights to the EC9s dropped its price point a lot compared to the LC9s. Why can't we get an SP101 with sights that are Integral to the frame? It could probably be priced at $480 or $500 out the door. I think it would sway quite a few people, why spend $350 on a Taurus when for another $100-150 you could have a lower end Ruger? It's when the price doubles that Taurus and the cheaper options start looking good.

I can't even lie I'm seriously considering a Taurus 605 snub so I have a beater 357 I can carry during the summer when my Speed Six is too big for light clothing. That said I'll probably try and hold out for a used SP101 first before I go that route. I don't have a current production Ruger revolver so it'd be nice to see the differences first hand.
There isn't much on the gun market that would pry money out of my pocket these days, but a Security Six with the GP100 grip would do it.
There isn't much on the gun market that would pry money out of my pocket these days, but a Security Six with the GP100 grip would do it.
The Match Champion and older half lug GPs are close. I saw an old GPNY (NYPD issue) that was very close to a Service Six. The older 3 inch GPs with fixed sights look a lot like the late model Speed Six. They have a 3/4 lug instead of the full lug the current 3 inch has.

The Match Champion and older half lug GPs are close. I saw an old GPNY (NYPD issue) that was very close to a Service Six. The older 3 inch GPs with fixed sights look a lot like the late model Speed Six. They have a 3/4 lug instead of the full lug the current 3 inch has.
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Ruger also made the GP100 half lug model with adjustable sights with a 6 inch barrel for sure (I have one) and a 4 inch barrel, if I remember correctly. They very closely resemble the Security Six.
Many years ago, I owned a couple variants of Ruger 6 Series guns. My favorite was the Speed Six. I liked the smoothness of it's design with it's round butt and fixed sights. I carried well in a holster and simply just felt right to me. I let it slip away from me in a trade in the late 90s and have regretted it since. Finding a replacement has proved challenging locally. Those that have them hang on to them and for good reason. It is possibly the best gun of its type there is.
I'm not hot for a GP100 but would consider one of the older blue ones with half lug barrel. Nice looking gun for sure.
I want one of the older 3 inch GPs with the 3/4 lug and fixed sights, even the current full lug version I'd be happy with. The 3 inch is the only GP I'm really after right now, there's too many versions of the Six revolvers I want first.
Many years ago, I owned a couple variants of Ruger 6 Series guns. My favorite was the Speed Six. I liked the smoothness of it's design with it's round butt and fixed sights. I carried well in a holster and simply just felt right to me. I let it slip away from me in a trade in the late 90s and have regretted it since. Finding a replacement has proved challenging locally. Those that have them hang on to them and for good reason. It is possibly the best gun of its type there is.
I absolutely love my Speed Six, I carry mine everyday but it's a beater that I restored. I want to find an example in better condition at some point as a collectors piece. I'm really hoping to get one of the true 3 inch models. There are 2 on gunbroker currently but unfortunately I can't throw my hat into the ring right now.


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