Rail for flashlight on a P94DC

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Nov 4, 2008
Ruskin Florida
Has anyone had a small rail installed on their P94 for a flashlight. I plan to duracoat and put some firesights on and a rail would be nice
Yes, a member named "November" installed a rail on his. I have a link to pics of how he installed and what rail he purchased. I can post those a bit later, I'm not on my computer so I don't have the link as I sit here.
Here's a pic of the inside of Novembers dust-cover to show how the rail was attached. Below THAT is the link where November purshased his rail. A note: The rails are designed for 1911's, some slight modification may be required.

http://www.caspianarms.com/Merchant2/me ... y_Code=A01
thanks again TruthNotRelative It makes me all warm and fuzzy thinking about doing the mod......will post pics when I start......
Here's a couple more pics. Shaved mag release, CTC laser grips, Mec-Gar 17-round mags. Occasionally I'll throw in the long, long-discontinued 357sig conversion barrel from Olympic Arms. This gun is still chuggin' along. Believe it or not I've been thinking of selling this whole setup to help fund a very expensive bicycle (!) purchase. Or the new Ruger SR-556. I haven't decided.



I did the same thing to an old Norinco that I have:


I like what you did to your P89! I hadn't seen that before. How's it working for you? I thought about "railing" to a P90 I used to have, but I was convinced the ducstcover was too short. You have shown that it can be done. Did you duracoat the frame? I like it.
November, I haven't yet purchased a light or laser (I prefer the latter), so, other than knowing that one will fit, and that the rail is very solid, I haven't any experience shooting with a light or laser attached as of yet. Thanks for the compliments. I did Duracoat it, however, I used the aerosol version and while it LOOKS good, it has chipped in places. I don't really care, I'm not one for a "perfect" gun. It looks good and functions flawlessly. Did you notice some re-contouring and rounded trigger guard?
TruthNotRelative":2fwikqlu said:
Did you notice some re-contouring and rounded trigger guard?

I didn't notice until after I posted, then I read your list of mods in your sig line. The rounded guard looks factory. Well done. The p95 trigger is interesting too.
I am thinking about a Laser/Light combo from http://shop.arietearms.com also he has a rail mount that mounts with out drilling. Let me know your thoughts.
