Question on the P94

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Nov 4, 2008
Ruskin Florida
I have a P94 DC 9 mm and you very seldom see much discussion on it. It is a great gun..heavy like a break but very solid. Was there a short lived run on the manufacture. When you look for a holster or mags you usually see all the P series mentioned but lots of times they leave out the 94. Just wondering if that was the time when they started to think small and lighter might be better.

Al James

Nov 27, 2007
The P94 was a great idea that never really took off IMO. I think that the timing was a curse on the P94. The P 94 was basically an attempt to streamline the P series pistol [P85,89,90,91]to to be more competitive in the Duty size 9mm pistol market. A full size pistol designed for 15 round mags that was introduced the same year as a high capacity mag ban. Ouch. The 9mm P94 is an accurate, reliable pistol at a great price but it was only offered with 10 round mags and does not look very attractive with only 10 rounds in the large grip and frame. The P95 came out shortly there after and was lighter, shorter, cheaper, etc. The P94 9mm is a swinging link gun whereas the current P944 40 is a camblock design like the P95, P97, P345, SR9. Keep your gun as they didnt make many, there is nothing wrong with it and it will outlast you and your kids IMO.

Anthony Williams

Jan 23, 2003
Those among this forum who are familiar with the rants of this ol' injun know that I very rarely give the "Two Thumps Up" to any Ruger center fire semiauto. However, the P-94 & P944 are among the few exceptions to this rule. This pistol seems to have a different feel to it, than the other P series I've examined. A certain heft, which gives the impression of strengh and durability. The 94/944 are fairly compact pistols, comparible in size to the many service pistols on the market these days. Add to this feature, this mid-sized power house is chambered in the hard hitting .40 Cal. S&W cartridge, I'd have to say it's a combination made in heaven. I've never read a bad thing about this paricular model, and I doubt that I ever will. I think those folks over at Ruger finally got one right this time. :wink:


Jun 21, 2009
Moreno Valley, CA.
I have 2 P94s. A 9MM and 40 cal, originally I picked these up because I have a PC9 and a PC4 and wanted the hand guns also because they use the same Mags so as to have less Mags to carry around. I,m very happy I got these 2 guns they shoot great and I have had no problems with them at all. I can also say as long as I can shoot I will be keeping them, I do enjoy them and I know they will most likely outlast me, Dusterman