Question for you guys...

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How do you expect anyone to answer that question? It all depends on two things. First, does the Freedom Arms gun already have everything that you want?

Second, what changes do you want to make in the Ruger? The price all depends on what you want the end result to be.

Contact a gunsmith and get a price for what you want done to the Ruger. That's the only way you're going to know which way to go.
shoot-n-iron said:
caryc said:
How do you expect anyone to answer that question? It all depends on two things. First, does the Freedom Arms gun already have everything that you want?

Second, what changes do you want to make in the Ruger? The price all depends on what you want the end result to be.

Contact a gunsmith and get a price for what you want done to the Ruger. That's the only way you're going to know which way to go.

This was meant as a general question and was more to the gun that you get for the money you that spend and how the gun would hold it's value.

For me, the Freedom Arms is a better value than a custom gun, but there are really no features on the FA that I cannot live with or that I would have to change to make it more palatable to me.

Well, I've heard it said many times here that you never get back the money that you put into a custom gun if you sell it. On the other hand it's customized to what you want, not what somebody else decided to make.
I agree with Mr. Terry.

A Freedom Arms gun is the Swiss watch of firearms. It is a precision machine with very tight tolerances. However, with the exception of a few options, you get what you get and in stainless only.

A custom is limited only by what you can dream up and can afford. There is something intangible in a custom that you just can't get in a production gun. Sometimes the wait is excruciating...

Regarding recouping your investment, you probably won't get back what you've invested in either one - until either of the respective makers ceases to exist.

Which is better? IMO, it's hard to find fault with a FA, but I have a few customs that I enjoy more because they were built the way I want them. The choice is yours - either will set you back a significant amount. The only real decision is some of each. :)
I have wondered that myself............ Have never shot them but I know the FA's are the creme dele creme of in the box revolvers. Have pawed a few of them but not shot one unfortunately. I prefer the bisley grips for anything from 44 cal up and have oftern heard how the FA grip shot.
holy empty wallet batman!!!.....that's a lot of coin for a handgun. I understand the feel of a nice gun but I would rather spend the extra coin on ammo or 4 guns. Still If I had that kind of cash and it wouldn't come close to putting a dent in my wallet then maybe. heck right now I can't afford to pay attention!!!! let us know what you decided and please more pictures.