Proposed New Caliber.

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Nov 30, 2022
If Ruger really wants to get back into Substantial Big Bore Revolvers they should just go for it!!! A Modern 45/70 like round that would have 460S&W, 454 Cassul and 45lc as the wimp options.
It should be as simple as stretching the Super Redhawk frame. Merely a few tweaks to the CAD program. They could also release Lever and bolt actions as companion guns!!! They would probably dominate the Alaskan Market as well as every Recoil Junkie will need the gun that spanks the S&W and Taurus competition!!!
This would literally need No R&D whatsoever and a few tiny tweaks to existing products.
BFR already makes a 45-70 revolver.
It has a purpose for some but it's not a great seller. I know I don't want one or need one.
Ruger would make more money actually making more of the guns they already list ,,,,,,,,,That are never in stock.
The BFR is an expensive low production Single Action range toy. I'm pretty sure a 45/70 won't chamber 460 etc effectively. It would probably have to be a new caliber just bigger and more powerful than the 460 that could still chamber the 460 as the lightweight option. How many 500&460's have S&W and Taurus sold??? Why did they sell all those guns??? Because they were more powerful than anything else anyone was currently making. Come up with a 10% power bump over the S&W's and it will sell. Ruger deliberately chose to be left in the dust when they refused to make guns in the new S&W calibers. If they made a dozen of these along with the carbines for SHOT Show they would be the biggest deal there. They still have a few weeks. They could probably produce these in a few days with a few tweaks to existing CAD programs and possible barrel tweaks like twist rates etc to stabilize the faster moving bullets. Because their new production are sleeved barrels swapping tubes could be done in minutes!!! A few engineers and a machinist could crank these out in a few days with a few more days for load development etc. I'm sure there is some parent brass readily available. Maybe some 45/100 brass that could be sized and trimmed etc.
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How is that BFR different from many of the "dealer / distributor exclusives" made by Ruger? Seems at most they send out a few hundred of those for nationwide consumption.
How is that BFR different from many of the "dealer / distributor exclusives" made by Ruger? Seems at most they send out a few hundred of those for nationwide consumption.
It would be the new Mega Redhawk. A DA/SA optic ready latest most powerful handgun on the market. I only used 45/70 as a reference since a true 45/70 chamber wouldn't work for 460, 454&45lc. Since it could be made on the same lines as the Redhawks it could be a true production Superpistol that would dominate in every field!!! Hunting and Competition. It would make both S&W offerings as Obsolete as they made the 44 magnum. The BFR is nothing but a boutique gimmick gun. Have you ever shot one alongside a normal platform like a Super Redhawk etc??? SA Colts went out over 100 years ago. I know that with just a few Engineers and a Machinist they could have a few of these and a few thousand rounds ready for the Shot Show in a few weeks. If they went all hands on this it would rock the firearm world. They could produce a dozen or so Concept Guns for SHOT and see how the World responds. I would think that their engineers could spec out a few barrel configurations that could be ready by the time they had the recievers done. Maybe even make them with extended barrels with huge brakes like the S&W custom shop guns they would be eclipsing!!!
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Apples v Oranges. One is single action, the other double action. There's no comparison to make. And who exactly is clamoring; either hunters or competition shooters for these calibers?

Some, myself included, would argue that things like 45/70, 460, 454 etc in a handgun are the gimmick / boutique guns.
I always though Ruger was the "Peoples gun". Great quality and customer service for the working man. I do not see how this Boutique type firearm would do anything for Ruger. Maybe should think about Kahr and their off spring weapons.
I always though Ruger was the "Peoples gun".
That's why growing up the Western Auto store was our go-to for 10/22, 357 Blackhawk and 44 Carbine and Single Six.

The hardware store 2 blocks over carried S&W, Colt, Winchester and others we couldn't afford. Besides …. Ours were working guns.

Oh, I got my first Security Six at that Western Auto too.
It seems like any innovating Ruger does goes from announcement to cult in a very short time

Personally I'd like to have a five shot .40 caliber boomer like the .400 Legend but even Magnum Research doesn't make one with that long frame of theirs.
My first watch was a Timex when I was a kid. To this day, I still wear a Timex. Yes, Have been given many watches over the years for dress etc. Some costing 5 times as much. I guess it just defines my personality. Keep it simple, Keep it reliable and to hell with all the rest. Ruger was a Timex.
There would have to be a perceived purpose for such a revolver. In my mind, it wouldn't make a packing gun on the hip as to big. 99% of the shooters out there couldn't handle (or want to) the recoil. So.... I 'think' (that's just me) it would be a very poor seller and just a barbecue type firearm. Bring out to the living room to show off the biggest baddest revolver :) . I do that with my Colt Walker :) and people are impressed. Ha! It at least has some history to expound on when talking about it.
My first watch was a Timex when I was a kid. To this day, I still wear a Timex. Yes, Have been given many watches over the years for dress etc. Some costing 5 times as much. I guess it just defines my personality. Keep it simple, Keep it reliable and to hell with all the rest. Ruger was a Timex.
The old Timex commercials "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking", were factual. Ruger revolvers can handle some heavy ammunition that S&W doesn't have the cojones to handle. I am happy with the current Ruger line up.
Let Taurus do the research and development to make a 20mm depleted uranium CIWS ammunition revolver.
FWIW, less expensive dies & the ability to make your own brass might be helpful:

Mike Bellm TC's
[email protected]

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The old Timex commercials "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking", were factual. Ruger revolvers can handle some heavy ammunition that S&W doesn't have the cojones to handle. I am happy with the current Ruger line up.
Let Taurus do the research and development to make a 20mm depleted uranium CIWS ammunition revolver.
At least Taurus is still significant.

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