PC4 Uses

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Feb 8, 2009
I shot my PC4 the other day and love this rifle. Thinking back I cant think of any possible use other than a home defense gun. I suppose if i lived on a farm i could use it for pests around the chicken coop and such. Does anyone hunt with a PC4? I consider the range moderately short and wouldnt shoot over 50 yards with it. Just wondered what other people use their PC's for.

When I had a PC4, over 10 years ago (IIRC) and ran some rounds thru the chrono, I was surprised to find that the carbine just didn't add a significant amount of velocity..

This was in direct conflict with the numbers I saw from .357 and 9mm carbines, and I still don't have a good explanation for it.

Given that, I wouldn't use it to harvest large animals beyond 40-50 yards but for smaller animals, wild dogs, etc... it would probably work quite well.

I no longer own any .40s (Ghostt, don't hate me!) but do have a pair of the PC9s. They are good guns.
Dan42nepa":1gasadaf said:
...... I cant think of any possible use other than a home defense gun......

Pretty much covers it.

Not even close to enough rifle for big game unless they're so close that there's powder burns around the entrance wound, and overkill for little critters where a .22 is just fine. Kind of stuck in the middle.
blume357":gf80ougx said:
That's what they are for ... home defense.

I don't think the PC9 adds much to the 9mm round either...but I sure like it.

Just remember with Zombies, head shots are all that matter.

A chrono might surprise you.... mine picks up about 300 fps from the carbine barrel.... which is about a 25% increase.
I am the head of an armed security detail on a private farm/residence. I have close to 9,000 acres to patrol, and it includes everything from hard top pavement to woods and mountains.
My PC9 rides in the patrol vehicle with me day in and day out, and has been used to dispatch rodents/pests (groundhogs, mink, snapping turtles, and a couple of white tail deer), as well as been in my hands when confronting poachers and trespassers on the farm. We carry Glock 34 sidearms, and Remington 870 shotguns while on patrol, but if you are carbine qualified you can bring your own rifle.
I do bring my Rock River AR with me, but I have never used it for pest control, or for confronting people. I am completely confident in my PC9, and know that it will see me through any situation that I encounter....as long as I do my part!
So...I guess the point of my post, is that it makes a perfect patrol rifle, in addition to home defense.
Jake-Gallows":1spi6iru said:
I am the head of an armed security detail on a private farm/residence. I have close to 9,000 acres to patrol, and it includes everything from hard top pavement to woods and mountains.
My PC9 rides in the patrol vehicle with me day in and day out, and has been used to dispatch rodents/pests (groundhogs, mink, snapping turtles, and a couple of white tail deer), as well as been in my hands when confronting poachers and trespassers on the farm. We carry Glock 34 sidearms, and Remington 870 shotguns while on patrol, but if you are carbine qualified you can bring your own rifle.
I do bring my Rock River AR with me, but I have never used it for pest control, or for confronting people. I am completely confident in my PC9, and know that it will see me through any situation that I encounter....as long as I do my part!
So...I guess the point of my post, is that it makes a perfect patrol rifle, in addition to home defense.

If you really think about it, the M1 Carbine was the predecessor to all these home-defense rifles of today... that was all it was made for was two-legged pest control on the battlefield.
knuckles":2a7f5x68 said:
If you really think about it, the M1 Carbine was the predecessor to all these home-defense rifles of today... that was all it was made for was two-legged pest control on the battlefield.

Looked at from that point of view, though, arguably the only advantage of the PCx rifles would be their ability to use the magazines that the department or agency has already issued to its personnel. In fact, the M1 carbine weighs less (because of the indestructible construction of the PCx stock).

If CoffeePot is around, maybe he could weigh in on the relative merits and drawbacks of the M1 and PCx carbines? It'd be interesting to get the designer's perspective on this.
I agree with JNewell... if all was failing a 40 cal. or 9mm rifle would not be what I would choose for 2 legged critter control... the reason I really really like my PC 9 and travel with it most days is because I also have a KP95 with me too... on the off chance of needing either or both it is much less complicated.
same mags same ammo is the deciding factor.
for use against humans in a defensive situation, I would completely feel comfortable with a 9mm or a .40 cal. rifle.....at the ranges that it was designed for. I would trust my Pc9 out to 75 to 100 yards.
Weapons like the UZI and the MP5 have been getting people out of sticky situations for a long time (1950s for the UZI, and 1960s for the MP5) As long as you do your part, the 9mm or the .40 will take care of you in return!
This thread made me think about a gun I got rid of....Back about 12 years ago I bought an Iver Johnson M1 Carbine that was chambered in 9mm and took Browning Hi-Power mags. It wasnt a very expensive rifle, but was fun to shoot. After I got rid of it, I missed it...but after I sat and thought about it for a minute, I have a much better rifle in the PC9.
i could hit a piece of typing paper at 100 yds from a bench with mine every time. i miss it sometimes. It was like having a 10/22 on steroids. I sold mine and used the money to buy an AR.
I have used my PC4 to great success on several wild dogs, and a few sub 70 pound hogs. The largest dog was about 65 pounds, and a Win HP dropped it immediately at 35 yds. Good pest control gun, and easy to carry most of the day. I keep it handy at home too.
I use my PC9 for home defense.

Now don't get me wrong with my above comment about the 9mm and 40 cal.... it's just that if I was going out to 'war' I would probably leave either at home... but with that said, for todays world and either homeland or home defense... the PC's are top of the line.

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