I am the head of an armed security detail on a private farm/residence. I have close to 9,000 acres to patrol, and it includes everything from hard top pavement to woods and mountains.
My PC9 rides in the patrol vehicle with me day in and day out, and has been used to dispatch rodents/pests (groundhogs, mink, snapping turtles, and a couple of white tail deer), as well as been in my hands when confronting poachers and trespassers on the farm. We carry Glock 34 sidearms, and Remington 870 shotguns while on patrol, but if you are carbine qualified you can bring your own rifle.
I do bring my Rock River AR with me, but I have never used it for pest control, or for confronting people. I am completely confident in my PC9, and know that it will see me through any situation that I encounter....as long as I do my part!
So...I guess the point of my post, is that it makes a perfect patrol rifle, in addition to home defense.