Need some loading information for Colt .45 RNV

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Aug 1, 2009
I've ordered a pair of Ruger New Vaqeros! :D :D :D

These are the stainless with 5 1/2" barrels in .45 colt

I do my own reloading on a Dillon press. Can some of you fellows who have been shooting this gun and caliber give me some tips on the type, style, and weight of bullet you have had the best luck with - and what type of powder (and amount) have you been loading behind that bullet.

Sure appreciate any tips you may care to share.


I don't have the NV, however when they start to answer, they will want to know what you are going to be using them for. CAS, plinking, small game or something bigger, so more information will help.
I like 8 to 8.5 grs of unique with 250 to 255 cast bullet. As RonEgg said, I do not have a NV either, but that is a pretty good all around load.
I have one in 4 5/8. Just yesterday, I loaded and shot some 260gr Keiths over 11.0gr of HS-6. They shot exactly to POA at 25 yards. It was shooting high with factory loads as well as 8.5 grains of Universal, so I knew I needed something a bit faster. The load of 11.0gr of HS-6 is above max per Hogdon by 1/2 grain. Use at your own risk. I will continue to use it. 9.0 grains of Unique was also correct for elevation @ 25 yards, but the HS-6 is much more accurate in my gun and gave me no leading as the Unique did.
mtivester":lzjujw2s said:
I like 8 to 8.5 grs of unique with 250 to 255 cast bullet. As RonEgg said, I do not have a NV either, but that is a pretty good all around load.

my most used .45 Colt load is 8.5 grs of Unique under either a 250 gr LRNFP or a 255 LSWC bullet. They are accurate loads in both my Blackhawks and my New Vaquero :)
Shoot 250g RNFP in both of my 5 1/2" .45s.

8.5g of Unique loads in my BlackHawk. Sights zeroed for this load. Not a Ruger only load.
6.0g of Trail Boss loads in my Vaquero. Know where this shoots in this gun so leave alone. A bit high and to the left.
The 250gr RNFP with 5.8 gr of Trail Boss is a light, fun load. Don't go the the deerwoods with it, but it's a fun shooter easy on the guns and your hands. It's a high volume powder that will almost fill your case.


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