My Woods-Carry Choice

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Nov 30, 2002
Gallatin Co. Montana
Through the course of the past two years, I have been chasing a new woods-carry pistol to replace my well worn and trusty Gen 2 Glock model 20 10mm.

I started my quest by buying a Smith and Wesson MP2.0 10mm Compact. This pistol was an absolute wreck and three trips back to the factory failed to correct its chronic FTF rate. I moved on to a Beretta Px4 full-size Storm 45 APC. I found it to be a decent enough piece, but a little top heavy and quick target acquisition with it was a little challenging. I then purchased a HK 45 and learned why there are HK Snobs. I could become one-what a dandy handgun. But I really wanted a 10mm, so I bought a Springfield XD Elite 10mm. I ran all seven of the real (1250 fps rated)10mm factory loadings through the Springfield that the Smith consistently puked without a single issue. It was a big handgun, but I could make it work for my intended purpose.

However, l still felt the need to find a new formula for the triangle. I solved my quest by purchasing a Ruger American Pistol Compact 45 Auto (ACP) 3.75in Gray Cerakote Pistol. It may not be a 10, but I believe being able to shoot it reasonably well using Underwood 45 APC+P 255gr. Hard Cast Flat Nose serves my purposes for a handy and reliable woods-carry handgun very well.


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A decent and solid choice. You could do worse. It's a shame there aren't more 357sig options as well. 45acp isn't going to penetrate dangerous game anywhere near a 10mm
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I've been going to retire my G20 gen 2, bought the M&P 10 full-size, haven't had any problems with it and it shoots good but I didn't fall in love! Next was a Kimber Scorpious 10 mm, what is not to like about this gun, only it is to pretty to beat up! So I still switch up between the old G20 and a S&W 329PD 44.
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Here in eastern WA, we have moose, black bear and the rare grizzly (at the base of the Cascades). Further east near Spokane, there are more grizzly, as well and so on into Idaho, MT, and WY.

My basic is an OM Blackhawk with stout hardcast loads. I also have a G-20 and G29SF, "just cuz".

I grew up around the Mojave and collected rattlers all through the Mojave, Colorado, and Sonoran desserts. In fact, I once impressed the heck out of the NCOIC at the Survival course at Ft. Ord by identifying the general location where his captive sidewinders had been caught. Anyway......snakes don't bother me=I just keep my eyes open and leave them alone. No reason to kill them, although I realize others aren't as comfortable around them!

Edit: I do also have 2 Glocks in 357 Sig and two in 10mm (Used by the Danish Siberius Dog Patrols in Greenland for polar bear and muskoxen).
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I am now just south of 1k rounds through my Ruger American. Damn, what a joy-it runs without any fussing or feuding. If you are looking for a solid and reliable woods-carry platform, I am wholeheartedly recommending that you try a Ruger American 45ACP compact. It certainly works for me…
Through the course of the past two years, I have been chasing a new woods-carry pistol to replace my well worn and trusty Gen 2 Glock model 20 10mm.

I started my quest by buying a Smith and Wesson MP2.0 10mm Compact. This pistol was an absolute wreck and three trips back to the factory failed to correct its chronic FTF rate. I moved on to a Beretta Px4 full-size Storm 45 APC. I found it to be a decent enough piece, but a little top heavy and quick target acquisition with it was a little challenging. I then purchased a HK 45 and learned why there are HK Snobs. I could become one-what a dandy handgun. But I really wanted a 10mm, so I bought a Springfield XD Elite 10mm. I ran all seven of the real (1250 fps rated)10mm factory loadings through the Springfield that the Smith consistently puked without a single issue. It was a big handgun, but I could make it work for my intended purpose.

However, l still felt the need to find a new formula for the triangle. I solved my quest by purchasing a Ruger American Pistol Compact 45 Auto (ACP) 3.75in Gray Cerakote Pistol. It may not be a 10, but I believe being able er shoot it reasonably well using Underwood 45 APC+P 255gr. Hard Cast Flat Nose serves my purposes for a handy and reliable woods-carry handgun very well.
Wonder why Ruger doesn't make the American in 10mm?
Black bear is about the worst I'll run into around here. Bought a Taurus 66 357 mag, 6" barrel, 7 shot revolver, flat black. Though I only see a bear about once a year I always carry the Taurus in a chest rig when in the woods. Neither the bear or I like surprises!
I carry my .44 SBH in a chest rig when I am in the woods, my son carries my .357 BH. Granted, these are usually backups to the 30-06 we are carrying since about the only time we are in the woods is when we are looking for elk.
My woods gun is a Charter Arms Bulldog .44 spcl. Because it is light weight, accurate, has a significant caliber that is straight walled, and I reload for it. The biggest threat on the Highland Rim here in middle Tn is the occasional black bear. I have been bluff charged, though usually they just slink off. When I am in an area where bigger bear are around, I switch to an RUGER Redhawk .44 magnum. I spent some time in Alaska above the Arctic Circle, and my Inupiat friends favored the Glock 20 in 10 mm. The Redhawk served me well, as a talisman. I didn't see any Bear except in the Zoo, and all the moose I saw were placid.
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I always carry when in the woods here in IL. Usually, it's my 3" LCRx in 38. There have been cougars spotted in my area, but mostly just coons, coyotes, and skunks. When I go to MN bear hunting if I'm using a handgun, it is my 5" Super Redhawk 44 mag and I don't take anything else. If using a rifle or crossbow, I carry my 4" GP100 Match Champion 357 in a chest rig for tracking bear shot by me or fellow hunters.
Through the course of the past two years, I have been chasing a new woods-carry pistol to replace my well worn and trusty Gen 2 Glock model 20 10mm.

I started my quest by buying a Smith and Wesson MP2.0 10mm Compact. This pistol was an absolute wreck and three trips back to the factory failed to correct its chronic FTF rate. I moved on to a Beretta Px4 full-size Storm 45 APC. I found it to be a decent enough piece, but a little top heavy and quick target acquisition with it was a little challenging. I then purchased a HK 45 and learned why there are HK Snobs. I could become one-what a dandy handgun. But I really wanted a 10mm, so I bought a Springfield XD Elite 10mm. I ran all seven of the real (1250 fps rated)10mm factory loadings through the Springfield that the Smith consistently puked without a single issue. It was a big handgun, but I could make it work for my intended purpose.
I love Rugers! BUT why did you not go back and get another Glock 10mm?
I've got a G20 and a Colt Delta. I carry the Delta 90% of the time and yet I still managed to talk myself in to buying an FN510.

Had it about a week now and haven't even shot it yet. I been cleaning everything else to put them away presuming I'll start carrying the FN. Over that week I'll admit to asking myself a couple times why I even bought it instead of just carrying one of these others, including an FNX45T.
Well I've shot about 100 rounds through that 510 now and whew. That thing is serious, for sure. Everything about it is business.

Still think I'd probably pick up my FNX45 if I thought I was going in to a gun fight today but that may still change as I shoot 510 more.

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