Montado parts

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Dec 30, 1999
Anyone know if the hammer and grip frame on the Montado models are available seprately? Guessing the hammer is a dealer purchase. Just thinking the grooved grip frame would be different if no other reason. :lol: Differnt manual for these with part #'s?
Dunno. But having handled both, I'd rather have an SBH hammer than a Montado hammer. Same reach either way, but the SBH hammer lets your thumb slip off it sideways at the end of the cocking stroke. Best SA hammer *ever*.
Except in this instance, Ruger would be more flexible. I had a fellow Ruger Forum Member kindly offer to sell me a Montado (New Vaquero) grip frame but it was without the safety block. No problem say I, following the same logic correctly relyed upon by Flatgate.

I called Ruger and was informed that they would neither sell the safety block or the grip frame with the safety block because it was a ... "safety issue."

Now, that being said, I have found there is a difference in "flexibility" between who is answering the phone in the parts department. Some seem to connect the dots where others can't find the pencil.

I wish you well in your efforts.

Guess I'll try giving them a call in the next week or two. Got a bunch of other Ruger stuff to pay for and get squared away first before getting another project going. :lol:
Funny about those Ruger projects... I often wonder when will they end and then pray they never do.
