LEE Bulge Buster

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May 23, 2024
Manistee Michigan
Does anyone have experience using the Lee Bulge Buster for 45 ACP cases? I'm trying to figure out if it is a worthwhile device. I know it is used in conjunction with the 45 ACP Factory Crimp Die. Comments on you experience please. drayks
If your .45 ACP cases are bulging in a way that you need a push-through die to size them, I'd say you have a dimensional issue with your chamber or you are loading well in excess of +P pressures.

The Lee kit is primarily aimed at addressing under-supported chambers in high pressure rounds (i.e., .40 and 10mm in factor Glock chambers). It's of questionable use for any lower pressure cartridges.
I've seen quite a bit of "Glocked" brass that could use it, but when I find it I dump it as unsuitable for reloading.
I use a Redding push through die for .40 S&W & .10mm brass due to the bulge by Glocks. My brass is range pick-up, so not knowing,, I just do it automatically. I've never had any issues with .45 acp brass having bulges, and I've shot 10's or thousands of them in competition. Also using range pick-up brass a lot.
There is also a company offering a 9mm "roll sizer" that reduces the base of 9mm brass that some more serious competition people use.
But none that I'm aware of have issues with .45 acp.

But all my .45 acp dies are RCBS or Dillon. I use a taper crimp with those too.

In my opinion,, I would not invest in it,, unless I had problems. Try some w/o it first,, THEN decide if it's worth the money.
I use a Redding push through die for .40 S&W & .10mm brass due to the bulge by Glocks. My brass is range pick-up, so not knowing,, I just do it automatically. I've never had any issues with .45 acp brass having bulges, and I've shot 10's or thousands of them in competition. Also using range pick-up brass a lot.
There is also a company offering a 9mm "roll sizer" that reduces the base of 9mm brass that some more serious competition people use.
But none that I'm aware of have issues with .45 acp.

But all my .45 acp dies are RCBS or Dillon. I use a taper crimp with those too.

In my opinion,, I would not invest in it,, unless I had problems. Try some w/o it first,, THEN decide if it's worth the money.
Thanks for the replies. I do have LOTS of range brass of unknown origins and wanted to find out if other people had problems with bulges that my RCBS die wouldn't take care of. drayks
I had the same problem w/45acp cases. Never any issues w/9mm. So I bought the Lee Crimp Die and the Bulge buster. I discovered that I just needed the crimp die and ended up returning the plastic bulge buster kit. Once you finish them with the crimp die, what do you need the bulge buster kit for? Just my experience hope this helps.

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