Lead hardness testers??

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May 16, 2008
I have a bunch of unknown lead alloy that I want to cast but am not sure if its hardness etc. I have considered a hardness tester and wonder if anyone here has any input as to their usefulness in obtaining accurate info. Also some opinions on the desired hardness for loads in .357 and .44 magnum Ruger revolvers.
I've heard the Saeco tester is pretty good.
I'm just getting into casting, so I'm not an expert in the field.
From what I understand, the ideal alloy will be hard enough to not *smear* lead in the barrel, but soft enough to obturate properly in the bore and seal against powder gasses from melting the alloy (and leading the bore).

I'm beginning to believe in gas checks for magnum loads...
I have a Lee hardness tester. I got mine from Midway. Since I usually don't try & make up too many different alloys, I felt that an expensive lead hardness tester wasn't warranted. I'm happy with my Lee.
+1 on what contender said. I also have a Lee Tester. Once you learn to use it it is very accurate. Here is a link to a test completed on various Lead Hardness Testers. The Lee unit rated high in the test.
You may want to look this site over for other information on casting. It has a lot of info for casters.
I have a Saeco, bought it many years ago fer $64.00 works great, I would Not pay the price fer one now days. I would go for the lee.

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