GP100 Satin SS vs SS

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Mar 13, 2009
Please excuse my ignorance but is there a difference between a Satin SS and a regular SS finish? Saw these 2 versions at an online gun store and was wondering if the differences are noticeable and if there are any special maintenance requirements.

Also noticed that a 6in version seems to cost less than a 4in-any ideas why?

Thanks in advance for answering.
No difference ... just different words. Virtually no maintenance with SS.
What is listed for sale as satin stainless or just stainless are the same. Ruger calls it Satin Stainless. There is also a Target Grey that is completely different and Ruger lists it as "low-glare stainless", but I don't think it's available in the GP series..
The price difference may be reflected in the popularity and supposed rarity of the shorter bbl commanding a higher price.