Good deal or not

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Aug 20, 2009
New to the forum here. For the most part, I collect S&W's. However, I was in my local honey hole where there was a .44 Magnum Ruger Redhawk, Pachmayer grips, 7 1/2 barrel, stainless for $350.00 OTD. Good deal or no. I have a Ruger Blackhawk in .44 Magnum, but I wanted something in DA. Good deal or no? Any and all answers appreciated. Thanks.
That's what I paid for mine. I thought it was a good deal they are nice pistols. Mine had hogue monogrip on it. It shoots great I already had 3 other 44's 2 super blackhawks and a 29 3" so I really didn't need it but bought it anyway.
Before you go buy it I recommend that you PM me the info and I will go make sure it is a good deal by inspecting it fully and I will letcha know. :wink:
DO IT .... RIGHT AWAY. You'll dump those foo foo Smiffs once you get a hold of a REAL gun.

Picked the Ruger up this afternoon. Looks to be in good shape - needs a good cleaning and polishing, especially the front of the cylinder. Looks like somewhat engineered the Pachmayers - I'll look to get a set of Hogue finger grooves at the gun show this weekend. I'll crank out some handloads and let y'all know how it shoots. Hopefully, she'll put 'em where I aim and I'll be able to take her out for a little deer hunting this fall. Here in Georgia we can get 12 a hopefully I'll be able to put a little meat in the freezer with her.

WELCOME to the Ruger

second is you`ll love the Redhawk for a hunting revolver imo thats what it was built for & a very good $$.

you have a pm `bout the hogues

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